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Comment Re:I beta tested, so I have a few things to say (Score 1) 99

As a very time-limited player who mostly solos or plays with a couple other friends, I find the fact that 00ber lewt d00dz who play 18 hours per day and run dungeons 100 times over will only be 5-10% better than me refreshing. In every other MMO, my lowly, non-l33t characters are considered worthless and ungroupable because of my "lame n00b equipment". It sounds as though LotRO will remedy that.

Of course, I would expect the power-players and people who do enjoy being 00ber to not like this particular aspect, but I think that leveling the playing field a bit will be good overall. If it's a huge deal for the power players, I suppose they can go back to WoW and run instances a few hundred more times or even go all the way back to EQ for a true hardcore experience.

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