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Comment Re:I'm shocked, shocked (Score 5, Funny) 85

In other words pompous self-aggrandizing politician learns his true standing in the pecking order and what the powers that be really consider his worth.

You do realize that "Yes Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" were documentary and not comedy?

Comment Re:Down the line... (Score 1) 248

Or you might find yourself taxed, a' la PBS or the BBC, in order that these entities have operating funds. Some might applaud that, but some will scream bloody murder about the additional levy.

If it happens that we rid ourselves of commercials AND get something like another PBS or BBC, then I can tolerate a lot of screaming from some people.

Hallelujah, PBS is a welcoming oasis in an ocean of network mediocrity.

Comment Re:Working to cover for the USA (Score 1, Insightful) 340

Erm, isn't that a bit over the top, though? I mean, whatever you think of our work and/or healthcare system(s), we definitely meet the definition as a "highly developed industrialized nation." Maybe you don't like how things are over here and don't consider them to be as good as where you are but there's that and then there are places like Chad.

Thanks again to our international friends who cover for us as we pack ourselves full of carbs! 3

Industrialized Nation - Check

Highly Developed - Errr ... Not so much.

Submission + - Gasoline from Fresh Air (

SpockLogic writes: Revolutionary new technology that produces “petrol from air” is being produced by a British firm.
A small company in the north of England has developed the “air capture” technology to create synthetic petrol using only air and electricity.
Experts tonight hailed the astonishing breakthrough as a potential “game-changer” in the battle against climate change and a saviour for the world’s energy crisis.
The technology, presented to a London engineering conference this week, removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
The “petrol from air” technology involves taking sodium hydroxide and mixing it with carbon dioxide before "electrolysing" the sodium carbonate that it produces to form pure carbon dioxide.
Hydrogen is then produced by electrolysing water vapour captured with a dehumidifier.
The company, Air Fuel Syndication, then uses the carbon dioxide and hydrogen to produce methanol which in turn is passed through a gasoline fuel reactor, creating petrol.
Company executives hope to build a large plant, which could produce more than a tonne of petrol every day, within two years and a refinery size operation within the next 15 years.

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