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Comment Embrace drones, for hell's sake... (Score 1) 176

For the sake of it, if you can fly a Predator on the other side of the earth to send HellFire missile to kill people, how hard can it be to have a few remote operated drone to put fire out ?

Oh, wait, it already exist... http://www.kaman.com/aerospace...

But I guess people prefer to have their taxes go to war machine to kill other people of a different culture, rather than real public safety machines which would make a change...

Comment Reason for the current regulation ? (Score 1) 176

I'm gonna make a guess at the current regulation's reason: it has nothing to do about firefighting, and more to do about smoke being detrimental to proper engine function and airplane control. A similar temporary regulation was put in place over Europe during a volcanic eruption in Island (if my memory serves me well).

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