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Comment Re:People don't care because they're too stupid (Score 1) 513

While I agree that suggestions about what to do are better than just complaining, I think you may want to review your stance on voting: http://lesswrong.com/lw/mi/stop_voting_for_nincompoops/

In short: if you really want to make a difference, you have to take back politics from below, possibly even by joining a party, so that you can have a say in who gets to run as candidate.
You can also better control what your representatives are doing and expose or support them if necessary.

Voting is for the lazy, it appeals the masses but if you get only to vote for a lizard or the other, it's mostly a distraction.
Those that control the government are working tirelessly to undermine your power as a citizen.
You are not going to get it back by spending 30' in line to cross a piece of paper every four years or so.
You have to get directly involved.

Comment Re:People don't care because they're too stupid (Score 2) 513

Are you serious!?

Apathy, a lot of apathy and indifference are the only reason why you don't have martial law.
Why would The Powers That Be ever need that?
They say Patriot Act and you swallow the Patriot Act.
They say Save the Banks and you pay to save the banks.
They say Terrorism and you go fight the next useless war.

Why exactly would They need martial law?

Comment This is *awesome*! (Score 1) 317

I think this is very innovative and I hope it will work.
I love the fact that it's completely symmetric but most of all, it's open!
How many gaming and especially non-gaming possibilities does this open?
This is the perfect device to control a drone.

Comment Re:First world problems. (Score 1) 148

True that.
We all agree we have a huge problem, but we don't seem to have any way of solving it.

What I think could work, but with lots of efforts and time, is to take back politics from below.
Take part in your local politics, where you as an individual can make a difference: run, support a better candidate or just keep a close eye on what your representatives are doing.
Start cleaning up there: this will make your fellow citizens feel more empowered and will hinder the careers of dishonest politicians wannabes.

I wonder if it would be possible to set up a town-sized liquid democracy, for example.

Comment Re:I would, but... (Score 1) 276

If you're a foreigner being spied on by the NSA, take it up with your own government. If YOUR government won't protect you from OUR government, consider getting a new government.

True that, but just don't scream TRAITORS! next time France doesn't join you in a war.
You can't have it both ways.
Most EU countries are your NATO allies.

Also, we are as able to get a new government as you are.

Comment Re:Given the UN's track record in Africa... (Score 1) 240

The New Testament teaches that it is just and merciful and righteous (because it's God's design*) that those who do not share belief in Jesus Christ will be tortured for eternity.

* This is the same God that (in the Old Testament) orders the genocide of the Canaanites.

Also, you don't have monopoly of the interpretation of the Bible.
Yes, yes I know, YOU are different and YOU choose the correct book and the correct interpretation, unlike everybody else.
But this is what I hear from ALL religious people, violent or not.

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