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Comment Re: Slashdot, once again... (Score 1) 289

Actually you answered your own question without realizing it. Morality is not in the sphere of science so by implication must not influence what is put in textbooks. Science is by nature progressive since there is no forbidden knowledge. He is right because the issue of the morality of birth control has absolutely no relevance to the question of whether a biology textbook ought to discuss birth control. Conservative thinking wants to restrict what people know. To control their behavior by controlling information. This is fundamentally at odds with the foundational principals of science which makes science progressive or at least anti-conservative. Scientist hold morality as applying to how you use knowledge never to the knowledge itself. The same physics that gave us nuclear power (arguably a moral good) gave us the deadliest weapons ever created (undeniably a moral evil). The application of knowledge has moral questions but science is liberal because it never allows anything (including morality) to dictate the knowledge itself. Whatever the scientific method produces is published without limit or exception. Indeed caring about what people may do with it is a fallacy - the appeal to consequences.

Comment Re:Gay Sex! Agenda 21. (Score 1) 186

And Paul Krugman's PHD in economics qualifies him to say he knows better than you - and he is the one whom I was just citing.

And no, there isn't 51% conservatives in America, in fact you're a minority - which is why you struggle to win presidential elections.
You need to factor voter-turnout in. Several studies concluded that voter turnout among conservatives is over 80%, among liberals it is around 50% and thats in presidential elections where turnout is highest. In things like mid-terms, it's much lower.
More-over liberal voter turnout goes down MORE in things like midterms because very few liberals are retirees, indeed a large number of them are the very people who are affected by voter-suppression laws or simply such low-income earners that they literally CAN'T go vote because taking the time off work means starving that day.

If the USA made elections public holidays like every other civilized country on earth - the republicans would never win another election.

Comment Re:Gay Sex! Agenda 21. (Score 1) 186

Now go ask an actual economist about the Weimar republic and they will tell you that not in Weimar nor anywhere else in HISTORY has spending in a recession EVER caused hyperinflation.
What DOES cause hyperinflation is severe social upheaval. Weimar republic had just come out of a massive civil war. Zimbabwe - just came out of massive unrest. Rome in Nero's time: just concluded a massive war while dealing with a famine caused by bad weather.

Spending in a recession does not, by itself, cause hyperinflation - I'm not saying it CAN'T but we have mathematical methods to work out how much you OUGHT to spend to get the results without causing problems.

Now consider that the MOST common cause of hyperinflation has nothing to do with monetary policy at all ! It's social inequality ! Yes, some of the worst cases of hyperinflation were caused by severe social inequality. A prime example would be the destruction of the Spanish economy right at the height of Spanish power.
The conquistadors were using slave labor and getting very, very rich in the New World- coming back and spending their fortunes the way sailors do - in giant short-bursts far apart.
So traders raised their prices to meet this high demand, which benefitted traders, and so OTHER traders raised prices since THOSE traders could afford it.
Very soon - traders and conquistadors were making fortunes, while everybody else were poor, but the prices were being set by the rich minority - pricing everything out of reach of almost the entire population.
A loaf of bread came to be about a week's average wages !
That's when the Spanish economy entirely collapsed because do you know what happens when people who work hard all week can't afford enough food for a week ? They stop working. What's the point of working hard if you aren't EVEN able to meet your basic needs ?It makes no economic sense. The opportunity cost of going to work is higher than the value of your wages.

Comment Re:Gay Sex! Agenda 21. (Score 1) 186

The thing is - you can't act as if all costs are equal. At least you recognize that NEITHER side have actually done a balanced budget so you're not one of those who thinks Obama is a big spender (when in actual fact his deficit run-up is the lowest since Nixon) with a completely one-sided view.

But as I said, all costs aren't equal. Progressives are hugely in favour of cutting military spending - a LOT.
And that could solve the problem easily - without actually putting America at any risk. America right now has a military spending 13 times bigger than the next biggest, and 6 times bigger than the entire rest of the world COMBINED.
Nobody needs that.
Just the part of the military budget that goes to contractors - that's not barracks or feeding soldiers or even bullets and guns, just the part that's spent on contractors is 700 billion a year.
The total budget for social security is 70 billion.
One welfare-ish program, is about one TENTH of one part of the military budget.
Cut the military budget in half, you can have the same number of soldiers and the same level of military prowes (do you really think it makes a difference whether you buy 11 new aircraft carriers a year or 5 - when almost nobody else has even one ?) while at the same time paying for every welfare and safety net program you need without running up a deficit.
You may EVEN be able to do it without actually making the rich pay taxes (though you SHOULD anyway because nobody should get the benefits of living in a country without contributing to it's upkeep).

But show me one conservative who would even consider that ...

Now here's the real problem - America doesn't have a liberal party in government. The greens are liberal but they aren't on the hill, the democrats sure aren't progressive or liberal, they are center-right, the reps are just batshit insane.
The real problem America faces is that the 60% progressives in the population have no party actually representing them, Liberals don't vote democrat because democrats are liberal, they vote democrat because center-right is better than batshit insane.

And just how center right ? Compare actual policy and the following presidents were ALL more leftwing than Barack Obama:
Millard Filmore (refused to grant Utah statehood until governor Brigham Young created a welfare system).
Richard Nixon - created the EPA, supported welfare reform.
Ronald Reagan - argued for matching the capital gains tax to the income tax (basically he was trying to pass the Buffet rule 3 decades before Buffet was). Ran up a massive deficit.
Truman - tried to pass universal healthcare (and single-payer at that - which is a hell of a lot more liberal than Obama's version which made everybody a customer of an insurance company).
Gerald Ford - tried to pass Nixon's healthcare reforms but wasn't in power long enough to succeed.
Rooseveldt - the one who sent in the army to protect UNIONS from corporate thuggery and called for a second bill of rights that could have come right out of a democratic socialist country like Denmark.
Eisenhower - by a huge margin.

And ultimately - this is the wrong time for your suggestion. Despite what Austrian economists say - there's a reason they are a tiny fringe group in economics who get laughed at a lot. A recession, by definition, is CAUSED by a LACK of spending. Nobody spends, means nobody else has INCOME - so THEY don't spend either.
The only way OUT of a recession is for SOMEBODY to start spending - a LOT. And the only actor who can do that is the government.
Every government that tried austerity made their recessions worse, MUCH worse. The biggest economic problem in the USA today is that your government is underspending, massively. The stimulus package was no more than 40% of what economists were recommending.

Comment Re:Gay Sex! Agenda 21. (Score 1) 186

Actually the typo was "aren't" instead of "are".
The goods at Wallmart are NOT cheaper than anywhere else, they cost the same or perhaps even MORE than elsewhere.
You just don't realise you're paying the difference because what Wallmart has done is to outsource most of their wagebil onto the wellfare system. By allowing Walmart to pay slave wages you aren't saving money on goods - you're just paying that money to the same people walmart would have paid it to - only you're doing it through the government instead of through walmart.
In the end - you're still the one paying it though and the only people who gain from this are the executives of walmart because on THEIR balance sheet a major cost has been removed.
The cost still exists - they've just externalized it onto to their customers through the tax system.
Externalities are ALWAYS market failures, they are one of the defining types of market failure. The market cannot accurately price things when part of the costs have been externalized which leads to inefficient economic outcomes.

Comment Re:Corn Subsidies (Score 1) 186

Okay... I didn't think I would need to spell this out - but a core part of the theory of evolution is the process of natural selection and the drivers of natural selection - which is scarcity and competition for resources.
Without scarcity, there's no competition and the species stagnates. Species at the top of the food chain can go millions of years without branching or any visible alteration.
According to fossils the Ceolacanths and great whites are identical to the ones that shared the oceans with ichthyosaurs - but both were in states of abundance.
If they evolved at all it was only things like their immune system - their physical structure untouched.

Where Malthusian dynamics aren't present - natural selection doesn't happen since there's nothing to select.
This doesn't mean (or say anything about) other forms of selection such a human-controlled breeding programs, but those didn't even come into existence until the last few thousand years. They aren't responsible for more than a tiny fraction of the earth's diversity - the force that did nearly all of it was competition due to scarcity as a result of Malthus.

Now that doesn't mean Malthus was perfect, I don't think anybody today thinks he was entirely right actually. At the time the ONLY mathematical series KNOWN was linear and exponential so he used those to explain the clear pattern he saw, that species always outbreed their foodsources (which of course ultimately restores the balance when food becomes scarce enough that most of the eaters die - and now the food can recover again).
Today's versions use much more complicated mathematical series which were unknown in the 19th century, but the basic principle remains entirely intact among biologists.

Comment Re:Gay Sex! Agenda 21. (Score 1) 186

Because rightwingers are too stupid to figure out that if you allow companies to outsource most of their wagebill to the taxpayer then you are getting cheaper goods DESPITE the goods having a lower sticker-price. You're just paying the difference via a rather inefficient middle-man called the government.

Comment Re: Corn Subsidies (Score 1) 186

Aaah the wonder of conjecture - it's so easy to be right when you don't have to check your facts.
Of course in reality, every study done has found that policies like that actually REDUCE the number of children poor people have and increases the age at which they have them.
This may seem counterintuitive to you (since you think with typical right-wing blinkers on) but it's been confirmed in study after study all around the world, including here in my home country of South Africa - recipients of child-grants and social grants have FEWER children, LATER in life and only 25% of the odds of falling pregnant before completing high-school compared to people of the same income who are not receiving those funds.

Why ? Because it allows young girls to upset the usual social dynamics - they aren't dependent on men to survive, so they don't need to offer sex for food. When you take away the power of unscrupulous men to take advantage of women sexually, they gain a LOT more control over their lives and the number one way men take advantage of women sexually is economically. Give young women access to enough money to guarantee survival (especially before they finish their education and have a shot at a decent job) - and you remove the sugardaddy problem.

There is some evidence that this is also a great way to reduce HIV infection rates, though in fairness, there are also some studies that cast doubt on this.
See the nice thing about being a leftist is - we use science rather than dogma to inform our policies and that means it's perfectly okay to say "We don't know" or "we could be wrong about this - the evidence isn't conclusive yet" - something markedly absent on the right (which is why the science-hating bible-thumpers are all on the same side as you).

Comment Re:Problem? (Score 1) 186

That's a very significant assumption.
Different plants have very different growth and death rates. Aggriculture tends to plant vast areas with very similar vegetation, while natural ecologies tend to have a much more mixed vegetation (grass and trees and flowers of all sorts).
So certainly it can be assumed that farm-lands would have a different CO2 impact compared to natural vegetation.

It can get even further than that: the number one cause of deforestation in the Amazon these days is chopping down the forest to open grazing land for cattle, that is - replacing tropical rainforest tree coverage over vast areas with grass for cattle. Surely you aren't suggesting that the CO2 usage and patterns of grasslands are the same as that of tropical rainforest are you ?

Comment Re: APIs can be creative works; we need another pl (Score 1) 260

Actually fashion designs aren't copyrightable anywhere and US government doesn't have the authority to change that. They are excluded from copyright along with recipes and a few other things considered necessities of living by the Berne Convention of which the US is a signatory. Changing a law in contravention to a treaty the us has signed is very often unconstitutional. Even if they did get around that if the us abandoned Berne so would everybody else and you can bet your arse the MPAA will never let that happen.

Comment Re:If they're going literal.... (Score 4, Insightful) 251

Honestly - I can still partially forgive those, it's specialized technical knowledge. In theory those who would regulate something should damn well get educated about it first, but people outside those fields usually won't have a complete understanding of them.

I get more upset by the ones who want to regulate things like sex and female reproductive issues while having absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Todd Aiken who seems to think that falopian tubes can tell whether a woman consented or not, or the congresswoman who thought a rape-kit is something that emergency rooms use to undo the act of rape !
Apparently she has never read a news story, or watched a crime show.

Not knowing specialized technical information is forgivable (at least - if your NOT actively regulating it) but not knowing basic general knowledge about something you hold that much opinion about - that's unforgiveable, especially in those who have the power to propose their opinions as laws.

Comment Re:latency doesn't matter for video, bw, jitter do (Score 1) 200

>ssh/telnet are quite usable at >1000ms latency,
Only if you type at less than one character per second... sheez.

I've worked on systems with that kind of latency, and it was a horrible nightmare.
To the point where I would open a text editor and type out commands there, then copy and paste them into the session rather than having characters show up well after they were typed and only being able to spot a typo several characters later (when it would take another second per character to navigate back and correct it).

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