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Comment Re:No unicomp ? (Score 1) 190

And no Happy Hacking Pro. That's my go-to keyboard for any stationary use.

I do like the feel of the new chicklet Lenovo Thinkpads as well; I don't know why many people don't like them. Whoever decided on the layout, though (PrtSc between right-alt and ctrl?!) should be sent to the unemployment line as fast as possible.

Comment Re:Why the 1st model starts at -800? (Score 1) 65

Hopefully the A350 can make up for the anemic A380 sales

The A380 is really huge. A lot of the long-haul flights that I've been on in the last couple of years haven't been full, even when they're the one flight of the day between two points and are on a plane with half of the capacity of the A380. It's a very economical plane to fly if you can fill it up, but if it's likely to be under half full then it's very expensive.

This has more to do with the way the US hub and spoke model is designed. If you travel between Europe and Asia or Asia and America the A380 is quite popular. Its taking over a lot of the routes that 747's were used for. QANTAS is replacing it's custom 747-ER aircraft with stock A380's for it's pacific routes.

The A380 has a bigger issue that gates at older airports need to be upgraded to accommodate the A380. Despite this, Airbus have delivered 147 airframes since release. Its really the 747-8 that is floundering.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 4, Informative) 420

So what you're suggesting is get a DUI, and we'll ruin your life. I mean, I hate people drink driving, but ruining their life is not a good way of turning them into a functioning member of society, it's a good way of turning them into an alcoholic criminal.

The thought is that if they knew getting caught would ruin their lives, they might stop. Today, there's no reason to not drive drunk. The expected cost of driving drunk is less than the cost of a cab. So it's rational to drive drunk. So long as the cheapest/easiest option is driving drunk, people will still do it.

And what some people are going to hate is, this approach works in the UK and Australia.

DUI in Australia carries a mandatory license suspension in most cases. The only way you get away with just a fine is if you're just over the limit and it's your first drink driving infraction in 3 years...

The UK is nowhere near as lenient, so much as 0.00001 over and you're off the road for a month or more.

Drink driving incidents have decreased significantly.

We also use Alcohol Interlock Devices here in Oz, but this is only for people who have recorded multiple DUI convictions.

Comment Re:why Facebook? (Score 1) 218

can someone explain to me why it's so important to have a Facebook account?

Parsing through translation computer...

I've got an axe to grind against Facebook for whatever reason, can someone validate my beliefs... Pleeeeeease validate what I believe.

But to answer your question, a lot of people use it to share thoughts, experiences, photographs and information with friends and family.

Its convenient and most people also don't give a shit about metadata mining.

Comment Re:Millions used this... one complained. (Score 2) 218

I didn't complain but I found some of the pictures it unearthed to be painful reminders,

Facebook decided my best "year in review" photo was one of my car accident. Sure I took a screenshot and used it as a joke but I can imagine how people being show pictures of their dead child would upset them. Facebook at least acknowledged that have removed it for now, as of a few hours ago Facebook is no longer showing me the mangled back end of a DC5S.

Also, I'm pretty sure more than one person complained. Its only one getting media attention.

Comment Re:Note to Self.... (Score 3, Informative) 275

Point of information - this wasn't Malaysia Airlines, it was AirAsia.

More precisely it was Indonesian AirAsia, which is a separate company to AirAsia BHD as Indonesia prohibits majority foreign ownership on airlines. Indonesian AirAsia has its own staff, management and maintenance.

It should also be noted that AirAsia BHD practically owns Indonesia AirAsia as they completely funded the holding company that owns the other 51% of the stock.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Well yeah. Why aren't we doing that? California's doing that, everyone else is like "No! We LIKE drunk driving!" or something. Hence my brave stand! I don't like drunk driving! I want to be able to drive home from a session in the wind tunnel (Which is in NO WAY a euphemism!) on a Friday night and not have to worry about getting T-Boned by some twat with 16 DUI convictions and a suspended license! I know that's really asking a lot, but by God that's what I'm asking for!

Comment Re:Quality Vs. Quantity (Score 1) 161

I have a limited sample size and haven't made a study of it. I can only draw conclusions from what I observed personally. The football obsession in the south really felt like a white culture thing. Most of the administrators and teachers were white, and they were the ones pushing it. But my point was that the academic focus of the educational system does have a significant impact on the students they produce. That system that I went through up north wanted its kids to go to college and it made that clear from the moment you walked into the building. Everything they did flowed from that, and it made a difference in a million little ways. You can add time to a system if you want to, but if the underlying system is bad, that will be pointless.

Race doesn't figure into it. The kids who had to go through the two southern schools that I attended were victims. We were all victims. I know there are plenty of good schools in the south. My sister got married and settled down in Alabama and made damn sure her kids went to good schools there. Just not the ones I went to. I've been successful in life not because of my time there, but in spite of it.

As for Michael Brown, I saw the story and thought to myself, "There can be no rest, as long as a mother must fear for her child's life every time he leaves the house." More recently I also thought, "There can be no rest as long as a wife must fear for her husband's life every time he puts on his uniform to go out on patrol." I used to think that humanity could outgrow these problems, but my increasingly-cynical view is that the only way humanity's suffering will end is when humanity ends. I still hope humanity proves me wrong. I assume this is because I was also brought up on Disney, and Disney princesses always get their Prince Charming. The rest of us probably aren't getting diddly.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Drunks made the decision to do something completely legal. It's only afterwards when they are impaired that they make the illegal decision. Or are you on some religious crusade against alcohol entirely. If so, you might want to try and make your case a little more clearly.

And please try thinking before you post this time. It isn't hard.

Comment Re:Poor tax? (Score 1) 420

There is a big push to hurt low income people. Governments lower taxes and increase fees for services all the time. The so called cure for climate change seems to be taxing energy use to actually make it unaffordable in the hopes that some day someone might actually be fed up enough to create an economically viable and reliable alternative while oppressing the bulk of the people into using less. Even the criminal justice system is infiltrated. You have a constitutional right to a trial by jury but in practice, you will have to pay for it. I've seen the prices start at $120 and get as high as $1500 in my area.

Ronald Reagan probably said it best when he said " I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help" was the nine most terrifying words in the English language. It is not because the government cannot help, it is because in trying to do so, it tends to wreak havoc on people. Without government helping, you might not be any better off but at least you won't be paying for the boots on your neck holding you down every time it seems like you could get ahead.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Drunks are impaired in their decision making and motor skills which is why it is illegal for them to drive while intoxicated. Saying there is a choice is a bit like saying people who drink and drive are completely sound and in control of themselves which sort of negates the reasoning for making it illegal in the first place.

Stop and think about that a bit.

Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

I going to make a brave stand on the anti-drunk-driving side here, but I think that's a lot better than the alternative we have now of being powerless to stop them again and again until they kill someone. Seems like every few months I hear about a DUI fatality where the driver had multiple citations DUIs and for driving with a suspended license. At some point we should be able to realize that person is going to kill someone and do whatever we need to do to stop that from happening. I'm not necessarily suggesting that we lock 'em away for 5-10 years on the first citation, sometimes that's just the wakeup call someone needs to get their shit together, but I think the penalties should ramp up much more quickly and harshly than they do now.

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