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Comment Torrent (Score 2) 166

Why would kids go to a concert when they can just wait for the torrent to download? If they are too cheap to spend $.99 for a song, why do you think they would shell out $25+ for a Symphony ticket?

Comment Re:I should not have to pay $35 (Score 1) 442

I wonder if you paid the fee, then were exonerated. Could you sue (say in small claims court) for wrongful accusations and ask for compensation of the $35 back? If a person could sue in small claims court, that would really screw with a company. Most likely they would not show up and it would be a default judgement. The you could threaten to put a lien on their property, essentially extorting them! Profit!

Comment Re:so you lot are promoting ip theft now ? (Score 1) 359

Lets theorize about a food replicator that can only copy food, it can not create new food. Kind of like a copying machine, it cant create new pages with text on them, only copy pages that already have text on them. So if you were a grocer and you sold food, people could come in and make copies of the food in your store without paying anything. By your analogy that should be perfectly legal, they haven't stole anything, you still have the food in your store. How long would you be in business if you never sold anything? Why would you stock anything if it did not sell? A physical is object is easy to comprehend, even a child can understand. Digital and the ability to easily copy something is a tougher concept. You are not stealing and object, just removing the potential to make money from an object. It is a poor business model to make products for free.

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