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Comment Re:Missing the point (Score 3, Informative) 130

That's what I've found, too. I have more luck just seeing if someone will work with a team well, rather than look at their degree status. I'd take a kid with a high school diploma and a few open source projects out on github if I think he'll work on my team well. Unfortunately those are just the sort of people HR usually filters out.

Comment Re:It only takes one ... (Score 2) 381

Yeah. Between vials of smallpox showing up and their handling of ebola, I've gotten the impression that the CDC are a bunch of inept fools. Probably a bunch of cronies appointed in various administrations. You know when a bad time is to discover the people running your organization that's supposed to deal with infectious diseases in your country are a bunch of inept fools? When a disease that's so far killed 70% of the people who've contracted it enters your country. So far we've been very arrogant in our handling of this disease. We've thought we could do it better than some poor-ass country in Africa, we've thought that with the advanced medical technology at our disposal surely it won't kill nearly as many people, we've thought that the improved sanitation available here would help contain the spread, and we've been wrong on all counts so far. It'd be nice if we could start treating this disease with the respect it obviously deserves before 70% of everyone dies from it.

Comment Re:Duh! (Score 3, Funny) 224

Yeah! I mean think about it! If you're a patent troll, are you going to get more business by sitting back and hoping someone invents the thing you patented, or are you going to get more business by sending out an army of coders to make SURE something you've patented gets invented? Ah it's such a brilliant idea I should go get a business process patent for it!

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
