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Comment Re: nature will breed it out (Score 1) 950

The problem isn't a shortage of gamer girls but rather a shortage of those willing to actually take care of themselves (of course, the opposite certainly holds true, as well: a shortage of healthy, attractive females who are into cerebral activities such as gaming, and aren't dumb, superficial cunts).

Comment Re: that's fine (Score 1) 408

Their average weight might be close to 3000lbs, though I suspect that would require larger numbers of deathtrap-mobiles (Fiat 500's, etc) than I'm seeing.

Considering that even a Civic weighs close to 3,000 (and considering how many 4,000lb German sedans, 5,000lbs pickups and 6,000lb SUV'S I see on the roads), the median weight must surely be a lot greater...

Comment Re: They're right you bunch of freetards (Score 1) 612

Sorry if I upset yourworldview, here... but we've got fascism masquerading as both capitalism *and* socialism (albeit being a bit more discreet about it on the left, implying that conservatives are easier to fool than liberals... but anyone who's compared NPR to Fox "News" knows that). Perhaps you've gotten actual Libertarianism confused with the Koch Bro's astroturfed synthetic version? *Nothing* is as idealogically anti-Fascist as true Libertarianism.

Comment Re: A first: We should follow Germany's lead (Score 1) 700

Pretty sure it's eaten (and then puked back up) but my knowledge of the stuff is primarily derived from having watched Young Guns and The Doors twenty years ago (wasn't that mesc they were on, out in White Sands?) and having recently read a Jim Carey interview, so don't quote me on that.

Comment Re: Mass Murder (Score 1) 249

I don't know about you but in public highschool ('91), i recall reading all about Westmoreland, the gulf of Tonkin, ho chi Minh and even Jane riding on an nva tank (what we *didn't* read about was Kennedy's resistance - and subsequent "removal" - the Golden Triangle, the cia/mafia's distribution of heroin in the inner cities during the height of the Civil Rights era, etc, etc... so I guess you're still more or less correct on a certain level). ;)

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