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Comment Re:Inevitable. (Score 1) 511

True enough. There are many advanced features you find in NoScript but not NotScripts, and I can see how one would miss them. But if all you're looking for is to block flash and ad network/tracking scripts, it gets the job done.

It mostly gets the job done. The inline javascript is huge. On the developers own site he admits he cannot currently block inline javascript. Which means a simple <script>while(1){alert('trolololol')}</script> would defeat it. I know Chrome detects this and will not allow an infinite number of alerts but my point is inline scripting is used a lot and NotScripts cannot protect against that.

Comment Re:Inevitable. (Score 1) 511

See my post above, I've used NoScript, I use NotScripts on Chrome now, and I don't miss any functionality.

While an average user might not miss any functionality with NotScripts the overwhelming truth is that there are limitations to what NotScripts can do with the limited Chrome API. Let me list some features I use daily:

  • Clickjacking protection
  • inline script blocking
  • Script Surrogates
  • XSS Filtering
  • Application Boundary Enforcement
  • HTTPS Enforcement
  • Secure Cookie Enforcement

I could go on but lets discuss ABE for a moment. Singularly the most awesome part of NoScript. Lets say you allow scripts to run since you have a facebook account. Now lets say you allow scripts to run because you are a masochist. Facebook inclusions will run on because you trust both facebook and slashdot. But not with ABE:
# Facebook XSS
Accept from

I could still go on but you get the point right?

The Media

Submission + - Panopticon Society and the Moral Power of an Image

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "James Fallows writes that you don't have to idealize everything about the Occupy movement to recognize the stoic resolve of the protesters at UC Davis being pepper sprayed as a moral drama that the protesters clearly won. "The self-control they show, while being assaulted, reminds me of grainy TV footage I saw as a kid, of black civil rights protestors being fire-hosed by Bull Connor's policemen in Alabama. Or of course the Tank Man in Tiananmen Square," writes Fallows. "Such images can have tremendous, lasting power." We can't imagine all the effects of the panopticon society but one benefit to the modern protest movement is the omnipresence of cameras as police officials, protestors, and nearly all onlookers are recording whatever goes on bringing greater accountability and a reality-test for police claims that they "had" to use excessive force. "What's new is that now the perception war occurs simultaneously with the physical struggle. There's almost parity," writes Andrew Sprung. "You have a truncheon or gun, I have a camera. You inflict pain, I inflict infamy.""

Submission + - A Bottom-up Labeling System for Organizations (

anarresti writes: "We all know people willing to help and contribute in an initiative but simply not been able to find where. Besides, plenty of small charities and startups, even ones with enormous potential, remain in the shadows because they cannot be easily located. The webtool Move Commons (MC) aims to help these to reach critical mass in their fields, connecting them with contributors, and clustering similar initiatives. The mechanics are similar to how Creative Commons (CC) “labels” cultural works. In fact, MC builds on top of CC, as CC built on top of the GPL. In MC, initiatives can "label" themselves using keywords and icons representing the principles they are committed to. Initiatives generate their badges to embed them, and its icons answer several questions: Is this a nonprofit? Is it transparent? Can I use part of their contents for my blog? How are they organized internally? Badges include semantic code which allows search engine queries such as “initiatives in Springfield that are grassroots, non-profit, delivering CC content, and related to 'IT' and 'alternative education'?” (Think of your own topics, keywords and places). The idea is to let projects locate and collaborate with like-minded initiatives and to allow potential contributors to find easily small local initiatives. Move Commons just launched a crowdfunding campaign to fund the project needs and attract collaborators. It uses the Goteo crowdfunding platform, which only aids free/libre projects that return to the Commons."

Submission + - Android sees exponential growth in malware (

BogenDorpher writes: According to research conducted by Juniper Networks, Google's Android mobile operating system exploded in malware in just the past few months. In fact, Android saw an increase by 472% in malware since July of 2011. And it seems that Google is doing nothing about it, yet.

Submission + - Toronto school bans hard balls

theshowmecanuck writes: OK, this is not really technical or nerdy, but it is so stupid people have just got to see this. A school principal has banned 'hard balls' from school, including those incredibly dangerous soccer balls. Some parent suffered a concussion after being hit in the head with a soccer ball so the principal banned them from school. "Students can bring sponge or other soft balls to play with, but soccer balls, footballs, baseballs and even tennis balls are not allowed for safety reasons." People here on Slashdot are well acquainted with hearing about nanny-state rules... but really, when is enough, enough already? What makes it even worse, is the Minister of Education for the Province of Ontario is backing the principal.

Submission + - Who Owns Your Social Identity? ( 1

wjousts writes: Who actually owns your username on a website? What rights do you have to use it? What happens if they decide to take it away? IEEE Spectrum reports:

What happens if Facebook or Twitter or, say, your blog hosting service, makes you take a different user name? Sound impossible? It’s happened. Last week, a software researcher named Danah Boyd woke up to find her entire blog had disappeared, and in fact, had been renamed, because her hosting service had given her blog’s name to someone else.

And as important as they are, what protects our accounts are the terms of service agreements. If you read them—and who does?—you’d learn, probably to no surprise, that they protect the provider a lot more then they protect you.

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