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Comment Social Contract and Emergent Behavior (Score 1) 1081

Here's an alternative interpretation of what the "social contract" is -- civilized society is an example of Emergent Behavior.

It's not a legal rule, where paradoxes of consent or capacity are questions that must be answered. It is simply the rule-set from which the emergent behavior of human society arises, like some cellular automata system. What behavior comes out of the system -- be it a civil society or Lord of the Flies -- is a judgement-free result that depends on the proportion of adherents, versus dysfunctional units and cheaters.

Comment Re:Exercise (Score 1) 111

I was being facetious. I permit myself some free reading time while on the treadmill, and eat a tasty protein bar as my reward for a workout (those things are like candy bars, but I guess with more vitamins.) Despite this, I'd still rather not go to the gym every day because it's such a bother. Especially now that the weather is warming up where I live. I'd much rather go on a hike, or do exercise disguised as something fun.

Comment Re:Why now? (Score 1, Interesting) 538

That was my first thought too. If she didn't even HAVE an email address issued by the state department, then someone dropped the ball downstream and the entire IT department needs to be fired. Requesting a network based email address takes someone in Exchange about two minutes. Whatever email solution they have, there's no excuse for not creating an email address for every employee that works there.

Now, if she had one assigned and just didn't want to use it, but if she never had one assigned at all that's gross negligence.

Comment Car Analogy (Score 1) 77

DNP is an ATP inhibitor, which means it prevents cell mitochondria from synthesising ATP from simple sugars.

I think I understand what you're trying to say, but let me make it a bit more clear using a car analogy. Yes, you get less ATP out at the end, but that's not really the point of the drug.

DNP is an oxidative phosphorylation decoupler. What this means, it that it does the equivalent of popping your clutch into neutral, and then stomping on the gas. Your mitochondria will rev-up furiously, but no ATP is produced as you have just decoupled the connection between the engine and the wheels. In the meantime, you burn a lot of gas.

Comment Happened to my grandmother (Score 2) 98

Yeah, these scammers tried hitting my grandmother before, fortunately she's still pretty sharp and recognized it immediately.

That being said, with social media, these kinds of scams have the capability to become a lot worse. The scammer that called my grandmother did a generic "grandmom it's me", which didn't work because my Chinese is pretty accented as an American-born speaker -- instant giveaway from the first word out of his mouth.

But with a little research they could have loaded it up with a lot more detail.

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