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Comment Re:Good to see you again... (Score 1) 4

Tell me about has a weird way of doing things :) My darling Splash is wonderful. He's probably wondering why he's standing out in 2' of snow right now teehee. This is the first time in so many years that I don't have a job working at a farm and it's weird...but I can focus on competition. Did 225 miles this season even with a broken foot (the horse, not me) in June. I want it to stop snowing! This is crazy weather for DC
User Journal

Journal Journal: been a long time... 4

I totally forgot I had an account here. Life has taken me away from the computer...well that's not true. I have a horrible facebook addiction.

But now facebook is boring and I'm snowed in. 15" and it won't stop till tomorrow. So here I am.....

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