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Comment wow, tough israel crowd here.. (Score 1) 951

I'm always surprised how so many americans seem to approve of how Israel and the U.S. handle things down there. I'm from Europe, and most people I know have great difficulties to understand why the U.S. can still honestly support Israel. Out of acts of desperation, a few minor groups launch crappy missiles towards israeli settlements, damaging a house or hurting one person; as a response, israeli anihilate 30 or more palestinians. It goes like that all the time.. no matter the cost on the israeli side, the damage on the other side is always so much greater. Apart from that, let's not forget the (illegal) creation of new settlements, not following previous contracts about the separation of the land, and generally being a total bully to the palestinians, making their lives even more miserable. All of this generates even more hate, thus forming the next line of people willing to die for their country - and so on. The problem is self-made.

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Suggest you just sit there and wait till life gets easier.
