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Comment Re:360 3D (Score 0) 26

If you have a camera which can record 360, then there is no need for a second camera to get 3D, provided your camera's point of view moves around in a circle about the size of a human head.
While rotating a head 360 (do not try at home), there is no point of view which is exclusive to one eye. At some point your left eye will see the same thing your right eye saw a couple degrees of rotation earlier (or later).
So you should have all the visual information you need from a single 360 recording.

Comment Re:Solution looking for a problem (Score 2, Insightful) 115

They were mostly wounded while killing, trying to kill, or assissting in killing other people (you know... combat).
It is kind of a moot point discussing who the 'good guys' are in a war. However usually it is soldiers on both sides. A soldiers saving grace may be, that they are acting under orders and have limited choice in the matter.
However for the same reason I do not see a point why they should have a priviliged status.

All things conssidered they rank pretty low on my sympathy list.
Certainly much lower than a wounded cop for example, who was fighting actual criminals and certainly lower than people who were simply the victim of an accident or violence.

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