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Comment Re:I'm the app's developer. Happy to answer questi (Score 1) 131

Confused about how it works. 1. So first off, they are not all free, sometimes you just get a discount? 2. How does the actual registration of books work? You have to sign the books unless they are publicly freely available? 3. And it has to be done one at a time? There has to be way to do mass library registrations? 4. You have some algorithm to automatically detect the spine? the cover? of the books already in your collection, the rest will not be detected, and you will have to redo them if they become available?

Comment Re:Don't tell me police doesn't abuse their powers (Score 1) 368

Storage/video capture are both pretty cheap nowadays. The only real issue I would worry about is too many non-police watching and commenting on too much of the footage. The public should know everything that police do in the line of duty, that said they are not qualified to quibble over the details. I am sure, with years of experience on the job, and training that has been evolving for thousands of years, there are numerous things the police are trained to do that to some amateur who knows nothing about police work would look wrong, but is in fact necessary and the best thing to do is said hypothetical situation. I can just imagine how much "help" having everyone at the office, from the manager to the janitor, look over your shoulder and offer advice on how to do your job.

Comment Value? (Score 3, Interesting) 63

Without knowing anything about these patents it is impossible to put that value into perspective; Did MS just taking a tremendous loss or did they score big time? They paid 4.5 billion, now a few years latter how does that price look taking this sale into consideration? Did Microsoft end up losing their shirt, taking only like 20% of the cost for 66% of the patents? Or is and was 80+% of the value of the hoard in the remaining 33%?

Comment Re:Second hand view from a teacher (Score 1) 351

"Now, I don't really think that "women get their porn in text" explains the difference in at least perceived (I haven't looked for numbers) rates of reading for enjoyment between men and women however" Well that is obviously not likely to heavily influence these children, but I would say it is 100% of the adult difference. Of the hard core reading crowd I have noticed, if anything more males than females. If you take a specific, none erotica, book event, I doubt you would find more females than males. But like how porn is 80% of the internet, porn is probably 80% of the "novels". I think you will only find that women outnumber men in reading when you consider text based porn as literature.

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