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Comment Scientists obsessed with exotic explainations (Score 1) 137

Why are scientists obsessed with finding the most exotic explanation of Dark Matter without first exhausting the more prosaic explanations? It is Occam's Razor upside down. I think that the reason is there there is a Nobel Prize and fame if Dark Matter turns out to be a particle, but there is no glory if it turns out to be something more ordinary such as neutral hydrogen, dust, etc. Even a modification of Newtonian laws at a distance to explain Dark Matter is not exotic enough.....so we have to endure Crackpot Cosmology Theory (CCT) of the week from here to eternity...

Comment What about unmanned Planetary Science? (Score 1) 125

The linked article is stilted and brain dead. It did not discuss the real science at NASA, i.e. the unmanned robotic probes that have been so successful such as the Voyager and Mariner missions and Hubble. There was (and still is) almost no scientific returned from the manned spaceflight missions. Almost all the discoveries and science come from robotic missions. Yes in spite of that, the unmanned directorate had to (and still does) fight for its life as the manned missions people who run NASA are always trying to steal their funding. That is why Carl Sagan started the Planetary Society; to stop the poaching of funds my the manned spaceflight pork-masters.

Comment Re:hah, thats amateur. (Score 1) 92

That is Boston and its beloved, if cretinous, mayor, Mumble Menino so don't project this city to the whole country. Not every city (except Providence) promotes its barely literate chauffeure driver to Mayor, but we had someone smart in there, they might uncover the dirt.

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