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Comment Re:Yeah, probably a VGA screen (Score 1) 272

They had advantages when they were calibrated. But for operational speed, a UI that was designed for fat-fingering is probably the actual revolution rather than the screen itself. I guess pinch to zoom and one finger 2D scrolling is a part of that as well. So it's more a capacitive screen tied with all the UI tools to use it effectively. Have to hand it to Apple, they did it first.

Comment Re:ob Henry Ford (Score 1) 272

I'd like to see that too. They just haven't come out with many that taste very good.

I go to McDonalds when I don't have time to prepare something and I don't want to spend too much on convenience. I often use that an excuse to eat bad food, but it's far from the only reason to go.

They're also really bad at marketing those options as flavorful foods. In researching my reply, I see that they have a pretty good looking southwest chicken salad. Probably lacking in heat, but that's only a minor complaint...

What's annoying is the perception that salad is the only kind of food that qualifies as healthy.

Comment Re:WTF?? (Score 1) 798

Because using antiquated wiretapping laws to prevent citizens from recording the actions of police is a rather favorite interest of the police these days

Motive to be corrupt, sure. But wiretapping laws aren't really antiquated, just shouldn't be applicable. The recording took place in a public school where there is no expectation of privacy. Even in a private run-in with police, they are public servants and working in their official capacity, and almost everything they do ends up in the public record. A recording of police at work should be no different.

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