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Comment Re:Bad headline (Score 1) 63

MITMs are different than just sniffing.

You can tell, in fact, that you were MITMd post hoc, because you can compare the cert that was used versus a copy of the cert obtained through other means. That's easiest to do if you have admin access to the server, of course, but those of us that do, know that MITM attacks are rare.

Comment Re:Bad headline (Score 2) 63

Transmission encryption without authentication is useless in the vast majority of cases.

No, it isn't. Because in the vast majority of cases your traffic wasn't interesting enough to MITM the first time you connected to the server, and after that, you've stored the key you found there and can be alerted if it changes. Also you can post-verify to see whether you've been MITMd if you care to know whether the horse is out of the barn, which isn't as useful as keeping the horse in the barn, but still qualifies as useful.

Comment Re:Yes & the sheer amount of existing code/fra (Score 1) 414

All I had to do was glance at the haskell to know what it was doing. The python was a liittle hinky, but I got it easily enough.

It really depends on how much experience you have with rich languages. If all you ever talk is C/Pascal/Fortran anything else will be harder to read.

This goes for natural languages too, as well as cultural references. It's Joe Bauers' plight.

The simple fact is that there are times to talk really slow with small words for a large audiences and times to use expressiveness to get thing done fast in a professionally erudite environment. Often, complex software design is a case of the latter, not the former. Management would like it to be the former, because H1B, of course, but that is a short sighted strategy destined to leave the company in the dirt.

Comment Re:Solution (Score 1) 384

Yes, this. There are a good number of cheap managed switches and that would collapse the octupus USB hub into a neat little package.

(Actually you can also get some of the cable modems to vlan on the switchports, depending on the chipsets, but that's a bit more hinky)

The other possibility is to play ebtables tricks based on the device MAC address, but you still end up needing a hub, so just go with the managed switch.

Comment Re:The basics (Score 1) 302

Worse even is the transpaency of cloud applications.

For the OP, I'd have the students spend some time trying to do something productive while their laptop is offline. This will force them to learn what tools are actually on a computer and what's ephemeral internet content that could vanish anytime.

Oh, also, data friggin entry/transcription. Have them put new things in a list that has some strict formatting rules until they get it right. Have them move entries from a list in one format to a list in another format. Then when they start to get cocky, have them do it again in a way where they don't get an instant warning that they did it wrong, but it comes back and bites them in the ankle later.

Comment Re:Solar powered wrist watch... (Score 1) 403

Well, we know it's not going to be a Pink Floyd "Pulse" CD at this point.

I was going to say one of those solar lawn lamps, as at least one of them would have gotten lucky and gotten an exceptionally long lasting battery and solar cell.

But this trumps it. Or a solar calculator, though whether that is "working" when nobody is pressing buttons is up for debate -- and if we grant that, any stupid lithium cell powered musical greeting card can still be consdered to be "working"

Comment Re:Crap technology? (Score 2) 405

Yeah I too think the technology has devolved over time. Certainly it is next to impossible to find a competently written manual for most things these days. There's no actual contract from vendors as to what's an actual feature and what's just an implementation side effect, software hits the marketplace with things broken that should not even have gotten *to* the QA department, much less past it, and there's no shortage of glossy brochures deceiving the high level managers into believing that everyone is using newer technology than you are with none of the issues/glitches that are causing your organization grief.

I do, however, worry about the data entry skills of the latest generation. You'd think being raised with tech would make them understand the importance of consistency and accuracy, but if my anecdotal experience is accurate they are even less thorough than the older people who had the excuse of not being familiar with the technology.

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