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Comment Re:Let's hope Steam on Linux gathers... steam (Score 1) 553

Hehe, don't mind me, I don't take these conversations seriously, I enjoy poking fun without going to the extent of trolling. Truth be told, I use both platforms interchangeably. Tho, I do find Adobe tools frustrating, much like I found itunes insufferable, this is just me tho, no reflection on the tool - I'm clearly not it's target market.

Comment Re:Too late... (Score 1) 121

Sadly they don't care what we think - if we pirate or don't pirate it doesn't matter as they will call you a pirate anyway.

A lost sale = pirate, no it can't possibly be that the game is shit so no-one bought it.... or the DRM is shit so no-one bought it.

As for those who are pissed off about "From Dust" having shit DRM - I have a simple rule for avoiding DRM: Does the box have a Ubisoft logo? Don't buy it.

Comment Re:Yeah. (Score 1) 519

Pull all the hard disks out of your machines, send them to a relative of a relative of a friend of a relative in some far off place, install new hard disks in all the machines, install Ubuntu, Sabayon or Fedora (A distro that comes with some of the basics to continue working) - work with those for as long as you can (to build up the 'this is not a fresh install' feel) then invite their auditors in with open arms.

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