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Comment Re:You are missing the point (Score 1) 981

You also need to consider the other part of a physical manifestation of these theoretical engineering procedures, everyone would be able to tell that the rich were keeping such things for themselves. They might be smarter and capable of living longer, but I don't see them being bulletproof.

The masses would fight for something like this, and it won't be like in the middle ages(At least in the States) where the wealthy were capable of easily quelling an uprising; it would be a bloody mess.

I can see it drastically changing things, but eventually it would come down in price. There might be an elite class that is one step ahead of everyone else, but it would even itself out.

Comment Re:I say pull out... (Score 1) 687

It is my understanding that China recruits people who prove themselves technically by attacking foreigners or helping their government.

The large number of people who are attacking the rest of the world aren't a part of the Chinese government, the government just looks the other way and pulls out the best to work for them.

So it was probably just some guy or group of guys doing what they thought the government would reward them for.

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