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Comment Re:the net is not bound by any law and shouldn't b (Score 1) 103

Intel's remote management software is scary when you look at what it can do.

They mention some of the more powerful features are only available on your LAN, hoping you'll forget that to some... The entire internet is their LAN.

Then there's the features they don't tell you about.

Scary capabilities advertised as control features.

Comment Re:Maybe they shouldn't try to! (Score 2) 103

I really can't believe one of the Telcos wouldn't rather reuse their copper network (that touches nearly every building in every town) to form a secure isolated system for processing payment data, separate from the internet, instead of just letting it rot.

They just wire in and reuse old phone stuff to make a private network with connections and a firewall they manage, to guarantee (for a slice of security pie) that only specific data can go to specific places on direct routes, and no one can access the network without alarm bells and cops following the wire to the end.

And old fashioned wiretapping laws would already be in place to prevent unauthorized access to the wires.

Might be real popular real soon with all the card data being stolen.

Hopefully cheaper than a T1 too.

Comment Re:And how long does it take... (Score 1) 190


What would 100 Tesal owners talk about while they waited 30 minutes for a fill-up?

No... No... No!!!
My car is the most awesome car in the world...

Oh. Elon... He makes the best rockets too ya know... dummass NASA pork...

Did I mention My car is the better than your car?

So... What kind of gas mileage do you get?

I'm so glad we have this place to hang out and talk Tesla...

Comment Re:Why not work with Mozilla (Score 1) 80

If there was ever a reason to have the device driver firmware loaded by the OS, instead of being stored on the device in flash, I think this is it!

Otherwise, just pwn the network card, and you can send out digital breadcrumbs forever.

At least you can include firmware you think you can trust.

Comment Re:Against man's stupidity... (Score 2) 24

I use the eWon, and MBConnect devices all the time, one or the other goes in to every machine we build. They are VPN gateways with secure login so we can remotely work on a machine instead of having to immediately travel to it to check the slightest thing.

None of our customers leave the internet side of the device plugged in. Unless we are on the phone with them, and they are by the machine, it is unplugged. As an additional level of security, the device has a keyswitch connected to it that must be turned on to allow it to connect to the internet, just in case it gets plugged in.

Most devices are managed through the respective manufacturers applications via the cloud, so we just have to download their application, and log in, and it handles getting the keys, and establishing the secure VPN tunnel. It is possible to manage your own infrastructure, but I don't know of anyone who is large enough, or chooses to do it.

I put the eWon app on my brand new work PC, now I have to check if I got pwned the first day got my new Lappy:( The remote access apps are one of the few things that does not get installed on the VM. Connecting to the VPN, through the VM can really be a pain!

The MBConnect devices are really cool, they can even verify the entire system, and reload anything that does not match what is stored inside itself. Besides providing a huge obstacle for anyone wanting to Stuxnet the system, they allow a customer to replace a PLC with a spare, reboot, and have everything come back to normal, and they allow for easier updating of a whole system by passing the program to the MBConnect device, and having it apply the update locally.

Nothing more scary than flashing a PLC remotely, and rebooting it. If it doesn't come back online, you might have to take your Lappy, and leave on an immediate road trip!

Comment Re:This is fraud. (Score 1) 289

Many things can happen when going into production. Perhaps they always intended to go into production with the cheaper controller, but they had a problem with the firmware they were struggling with, and so they used a more expensive controller that was a slam dunk to buy themselves more time to perfect the cheaper controller, and not miss their target delivery dates.

Comment It won't matter anyway (Score 1, Interesting) 78

I have 4G now, and it is still as slow as 3G, which is as slow as 2G, which is as slow as 1Xrtt when everyone is using their phones and the pipe to the tower is full. I often see 10 - 30 Kbps during peak times.

During the middle of the night, 1 bar will get me 1.3 - 1.9Mbps on 3G, and 3 - 5 Mbps on 4G, but during the day, I struggle to get 100Kbps on 3G or 4G, even with 5 bars.

I can watch my download speed increase as everyone goes to bed. It's funny (sad) to graph my download speed and see it jump up on the hour, and jump a little less on the half hour as the pipe opens up.


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