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Comment Re:Anonymous releases are possible (Score 1) 333

I don't know Assange nor I know much about him so i can't comment on the person but the information that is circulating from wikileaks is nothing new or odd or unexpected, anyone paying attention to international politics knew the substance of these documents if not the actual words used by such and such. What i find new and unexpected is that, possibly because of the way the materials were released, the mainstream press decided to publish and write long commentaries on them. Now that's new.

Comment Re:"Because we say so" (Score 1) 169

I'm not that sure, does the posting of the article to the non-profit website means that people that would have otherwise read it at the copyright owner site will go to the non-profit instead? Or does it mean that people that would have not been exposed to the article are going to be able to read it and learn something new? I think it would have been more polite to write one or two paragraphs about the article, post that in the non-profit site with a link to the full one, but i'm not sure that impolite is the same as breaking copyright law.

Comment Re:TRUSTe all over again? (Score 1) 81

While i agree with you, looking from another perspective there could be a old man sitting on a chair just in front of his house, he spends his time looking at the people passing by. Noting the time, the recurrence, the way they are dressed, who do they walk by with, etc... He could infer a great lot of information about them. He never asked them for the permission to look at them or to gather information about them, but should he? Is this information theirs or his? Maybe both? I don't have a solution but I think the problem is that i (like you probably) don't trust what these company are going to do with the information they gather. I have the intuition (i say intuition because i can't pinpoint the reasons) that the amount of information collected and interpreted corresponds to the amount of power that company will have and i'm not happy to give it away that way... But the problem is not only one of personal privacy, it is one of social privacy.

Comment i know how to tell (Score 1) 239

I ask: tell me the square root of 123456789
possible answers:
buy your self a calculator a**hole (human)
it's 11111.11106055556, why? (non deceiving robot)
it's 11111.11106055554, why? (deceiving robot)

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