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Comment Re:Two to five YEARS??? (Score 2, Interesting) 180

Can't say I know how long approval in the UK will take either, and I agree that if anything does come of this it will be at the long end of their estimate at the soonest.

at the soonest:
lab prototype design and lead modification (now) - 2-5yrs
clinical trials - +5yrs
regulatory approval and marketing - +2yrs

and given at any stage the project could just break down with delays.. hope you'll be holding onto that cold for a while

Comment Re:I thought they already knew why corona is hotte (Score 2) 111

Vibrations of the solar magnetic field line loops pump energy into the plasma fraction of the gas above the visible "surface", heating it. Reconnection of the lines cause the new loops to expand like released springs, catapulting the entrapped plasma outward.

Discoveries like these really make you wonder and marvel at the incredible physics of the universe. I mean, who makes up all this stuff? It's just incredible to see atoms and molecules self-align themselves according to pre-planned rules like gravity, electromagnetism etc in a seeminly random way to create what is.

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