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Comment Getting Google to Fix Contacts Integration ASAP (Score 2) 279

One pretty big shortfall I'm seeing is a lack of integration with the system Address Book. This is a feature I use *very* frequently and makes for a bunch of extra work to copy & paste otherwise. I'm unsure what exactly led to this oversight, but I think it's important to make sure it's on Google's radar.

To report your desired for contacts integration to Google:
1) Open Google Maps
2) Shake your phone in order to give feedback
3) Tell them that you miss integration with the Address Book

They get a lot of feedback, but with enough reporters statistical analysis should put contacts integration on their radar. The more people giving feedback on it, the more likely it will be on top of their todo list.

Comment Re:I miss Firefox in this regard (Score 1) 102

The real advantage of Firefox sync is that is encrypted on the client side, so Mozilla is unable to read your data, not the same with Chrome

That's what I thought too, but apparently Chrome can do that too - it's just not on by default. Go to Settings > Advanced sync settings > Encrypt all synced data.

The problem is, though, that default is the reality for the vast majority of users.

Comment "The Goal" (Score 2) 83

"...though the goal is to study particles in space, not annihilate planets."
*wink* *wink*
Ah yes, I hear you loud & clear scientists. You want to "study" "particles" in "space".
Just try not to leave the moon in too many pieces while you're studying it...

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