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Comment Re:It doesn't compete with tablets (Score 1) 442

This is where we get into what is the definition of fail. I think there is a healthy number of people like you who will buy it for the same reasons. But I think that number will probably get them something like 1 million sales per quarter.

So is that a failure or success? I believe compared to the goals Microsoft has set itself, that is failure.

Comment Re:Will? (Score 1) 383

It's interesting, these "metallic" dealer logos on cars thing seems to be common most places in the country, but it is virtually absent in southern California. The most they can get away with here is putting a dealer plate frame, and most people swap those out in short order. I always wondered at that as LA etc. are pretty far from being ad media free in any other way.

In fact they are hyper brand aware as near as I can tell.

Comment Re:so you lot are promoting ip theft now ? (Score 1) 359

You consider it cheating and fundamentally unethical as you grew up under the system that defined it that way. As did I, so I tend to only download things which I then find a way to compensate the artist for, i.e. by buying the crappy compressed versions off of iTunes

However, my music buying is a fraction of what it would be if the ridiculous gatekeepers (RIAA) weren't siphoning off virtually all the profit in the old system, with artists then able to sell their stuff at 1/4 or 1/10 the costs and still have a better income than they did that way. If I am unwilling to spend more than $10 per album (still my preferred format over singles), younger people today (who never seen anything but despicable behavior from the labels) certainly aren't, and are bound to come away with the impression that ethics don't apply to record companies. I'd tend to agree with them.

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