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Comment Re:Oh Noes! (Score 1) 583

This is not necessarily the case. I move my 360 around about once every six months and my 2nd one just went bad on me this weekend. The reason? Both had begun to scratch discs after playing for about 30-60 minutes. I lost two discs in a week the first time, and lost another just a few days ago with the 360 they sent me with the warranty program. My three year warranty has since expired and now I'm faced with getting it repaired or buying a new one and hoping that one too doesn't decide to start scratching discs a year from now.

Comment Re:The US and US flags (Score 1) 622

It's pretty common for members of the US military to have the American flag and/or their service's branch displayed behind them in portrait photos like that. As for Americans surrounding themselves with flags, that's not really true. You only really see them every once in a while.

Comment Re:A cautionary tale - been there, done that. (Score 1) 564

It's a relief to see that someone else has had a similar experience to my own. I was always pressured into college and to pursue a technical degree. While math and science classes have never been much of a challenge, I've never outwardly enjoyed them and it wasn't until I'd already been in college for a year that I discovered an aptitude and love of art. Now, after four years and nearly failing out, I've managed to avoid the situation by taking a paid internship and am now facing the choice of just finishing school for the sake of being done or going deeper into debt to do something I enjoy.

Non-Profit Org Claims Rights In Library Catalog Data 152

lamona writes "The main source of the bibliographic records that are carried in library databases is a non-profit organization called OCLC. Over the weekend OCLC 'leaked' its new policy that claims contractual rights in the subsequent uses of the data, uses such as downloading book information into Zotero or other bibliographic software. The policy explicitly forbids any use that would compete with OCLC. This would essentially rule out the creation of free and open databases of library content, such as the Open Library and LibraryThing. The library blogosphere is up in arms . But can our right to say: "Twain, Mark. The adventures of Tom Sawyer" be saved?"

The Walking House Screenshot-sm 304

What is 10' tall, has six hydraulic legs, and is powered by the wind and solar panels? The prototype pod house built by art collective N55 in Copenhagen, Denmark. With the help of MIT, N55 built the pod over a two-year period at a cost of £30,000. Designers say it provides a solution to the problem of rising water levels as the house can simply walk away from floods. One of the designers says, "This house is not just for travellers but also for anyone interested in a more general way of nomadic living." It won't be long now until the Japanese make Howl's Moving Castle.

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