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Comment Re:They've got a lot of catching up to do... (Score 1) 431

There is nothing specifically wrong with America's education system.

You're making some assumptions there. Perhaps part of the problem with America's education system is that certain demographics are undeserved. I grew up in a small and poor town, attended public school and got an education that, while certainly not the best money could buy, was more than enough to prepare me for college and eventually the workforce. Meanwhile, school districts with comparable wealth in the inner city schools of the same state are underfunded trash.

Why the disparity? Part of it is cost, it simply costs more to operate a school in an inner city environment. Part of it is teachers, once inner city schools got the reputation they have many good teachers fled. Part of it is, undoubtedly, cultural. Inner city cultures (completely irrespective of race IMO) don't tend to value education as much so the school gets less support from the parents of students and has a much harder time fundraising even though wealth levels are about the same. The point is that the end result is lower quality schools, which in turn leads to poorer outcomes.

Comment Re:Mulgrew is an airhead (Score 1) 642

You're going to get some weird inflections there, chopping up sentences. Nothing too obvious but if your movie is filled with them it'll get annoying. Better would be to have the narrator quoting other people, then just drop the framing quote.

Script: People used to say "The Earth is the center of the universe" (to be read with the passion of a true believer).

She is an actor after all, even as a narrator you can have her playing a character for the important lines resulting in a more believable performance.

Comment Re:where is the controversy? (Score 1) 642

Somewhere in history there was the first mutant ape that was classified as some form of human.

This is unlikely and even if true meaningless. Speciation is a human concept, it has very little reality in the actual real world. Change happens so gradually and across such a large population (even a population of a few hundred is "large" in this context) that you can't put a line in the sand and say human on this side, non-human on the other.

Comment Re:Easy fix (Score 2) 322

To make it fair, have a checklist before they roll out the door that includes verifying that the transmitter and receiver and present and functional. Failure to follow the checklist and report non-functional equipment results in the above. This way legitimate breakages aren't punished (and therefor hidden) and you also shift it from a "we don't trust you" to a "you didn't follow procedure". While the fact is that you don't trust them, morale will suffer less from the latter than the former.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 1037

Why should that follow? Maybe the prevention of evil is a larger evil than would be prevented? Like a tumor that a surgeon could only remove by killing you, maybe cutting free will out of the human experience would render the human experience meaningless? Of course, there are flaws to be found in that argument too. Like a poster above I'm not a believer, I just don't like weak arguments.

Comment Re:Ummm, probably not (Score 1) 142

He was first out of the plane but one of only 2 in a wing suit, by the time he opened his chute and the rock fell past the other divers were well below him and you can see where the other wingsuited diver was in the video. Even the plane was below him by this point of the flight. If it came from his chute you'll have to explain to me how it's moving at a few hundred miles per hour relative to him (easily calculated based on frame to frame movement).

Comment Re:Meanwhile, BTC is down to around US$450, yet (Score 1) 100

To be fair, $450 per coin is about... $449.50 more than I ever thought they would be. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the hype dies down and the speculation starts to dry up. Until then I'll watch from the sidelines, happy enough even if I could have bought in when it was pennies per coin.

Comment Re:Greatest, but maybe not the most damaging (Score 1) 102

Designing a fission nuke isn't as hard as people like to make it out to be. With a couple of math and physics students and access to unclassified materials and you can have a working, though perhaps not efficient, design in less than a year. We know this to be true because someone paid a couple of graduate students to do it and they came up with a design that, according to analysis by experts, would have worked. He might have helped them along by a few months, but the real bottle neck in any nuclear program is the enrichment process.

Fusion bombs are a bit trickier, but Fuchs left the US program before the difficult parts of the problem were fully understood. Again, he might have saved the Soviets some time, but would 6 months or a year really have made that much of a difference in history?

The only conceivable way I can imagine it changing history is if the US, emboldened by being the only power in the world with the H-bomb, had used them almost immediately after the outbreak of hostilities on the Korean peninsula. Not as far fetched as it may sound, there were voices in the US military who were calling for the nukes to be dropped even with a thermonuclear capable Russia right next door. Without that threat they may have gotten there way.

Comment Re:germany ran out of people (Score 3, Insightful) 102

The only way for Germany to win was to make some low-odds gambles, the "more rational" Germans wern't willing to do this.

Maybe the winning move was not to play? I realize the world had given Germany the shaft after WWI, and yes, I realize Germany in general realized the world was so sick of war that they could get away with a lot without any real repercussions. But you say it yourself, the only way Germany was going to win the wider war was with many low-odds plays coming out in their favor. Maybe the best solution was to avoid the wider conflict in the first place.

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