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Comment Re:More detail diving down. (Score 1) 98

Yup, the letters all agree that if Rogozin controls NPO Energomash, payments must be blocked, but Treasury must "make an affirmative determination" that this is the case. Nothing compels them to actually make that affirmative determination.

Yes, they know that NPO Energomash is owned and controlled by the Russian Government. And yes, they know that Rogozin is the head of their space agency. But you could show them a cancelled check from Treasury with Rogozin's signature on it, and they still wouldn't be compelled to "affirmatively declare" that he was in control.

Comment Re:Misaaplication of the law (Score 1) 798

The judge lauded the school's behavior and expressed her complete confidence in the school first, then she allowed the defendant (victim) to present his defense. But still, she's a judge so I'm sure she knows what she's doing and she can't possibly be biased in any way. After all, if in her unbiased opinion, the school has never done wrong before, I can't see why she would even need to ever hear evidence to the contrary.

Comment Re:Not imposing common carrier status (Score 2) 235

No, I think it was the commission themselves, not Congress, that classified them as an "information service" when they COULD have called them a "telecommunications service." However, it is within the FCC's power to reclassify them and they don't need approval from Congress.

The court told the FCC:

Given that the Commission has chosen to classify broadband providers in a manner that exempts them from treatment as common carriers, the Communications Act expressly prohibits the Commission from nonetheless regulating them as such.

Basically, the court just told the FCC that if they want to treat them as common carriers, all they have to do is classify them properly.

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