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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 8 declined, 4 accepted (12 total, 33.33% accepted)


Submission + - Miss Universe's visit to Guantanamo (nytimes.com) 2

pegdhcp writes: The latest winner of Miss Universe Contest (during which, no IQ test is performed, obviously) had visited the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, and as far as I can read (before my brain started to melt and drain from my ears) she wants to stay there forever. It seems that the original blog entry is off the air at the moment but that probably would not be the end of this story. Poor Chavez, I would not want to be in his shoes, when the phone rings, and the call is from Cuba...

Submission + - Partial collapse in Antarctic ice shelf (antarctica.ac.uk)

pegdhcp writes: There are reports on a catastrophic failure in Wilkins Ice Shelf. Following were first ones to catch. We probably will need to develop gills soon, preferably before the discovery of "governmentally acceptable scientific evidences"...







Submission + - Microsoft's offer for Yahoo

pegdhcp writes: While this is not the first time Microsoft and Yahoo are flirting it might be the last time as Microsoft is offering 44.6 Billion USD at 62% premium over the actual market value of Yahoo. Here goes my Yahoo Groups' memberships...

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