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Comment Just what we need....pot heads in DC! (Score 1) 588

And you thought that nothing got done in the Government...just wait and see now. New take on that old song "I was going to pass a bill, but then I got high. I was going to do work, but then I got high"... They should have legalized crack instead. At least it might motivate some people in Government.

Comment Jail term and fine... (Score 1) 650

Hold on to your seats and check to see if my math is correct. I believe there is a $100,000 fine and/or 5 years in jail per offense for illegally copying a dvd... SO...that would be $300,000 X $100,000 = $30,000,000,000.00 and/or 1.500.000 years in jail. Which would you choose? I bet even if they did get that money from the Vet, they would still claim that they lost money from piracy. The next question, can the troops or the person who received or distributed the movies be fined also?

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