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Comment Why do this direct from the Phone? (Score 2) 197

Rather than using the Phone to do the monitoring and polling, I'd consider using a service on the network at work and then make your phone a client of this service.
An example would be to use Nagios to do the monitoring and then use one of the countless Nagios Clients available to read the monitoring state from the service. You'll get the added bonus of knowing what happens if your Network coverage goes away to fill in the blanks after the event and be able to escalate to someone else if you're not available.

Comment Re:Lock-down time... (Score 1) 64

for what its worth, solve it from the command line in bash with the following.
wget -qO - |grep "</b></span></td>" |sed -e s/\<b\>//g |sed s/\</" "/g |awk '{print $1}'
(Yes its a bit messy but what do you want for 5 mins work.)

Anyone else want to have a go? (in perl maybe?)

Comment 2 factor - something you have, something you know (Score 1) 282

Why can't they just use something unique to mix it with an email address like, oh I don't know, The console ID directly pulled from the hardware.

One assumes an attacker can't steal those in bulk easily. (artificially created replay attack possibly?)

They seem to be pretty good at finding it to use against George Hotz (yes I know it turned out to be the previous owner but it shows they know the mappings).

Comment Re:Yup (Score 1) 338

There was a lot of similar contention about the commodore 64 app a while ago. They had to cut significant bits out, such as the commodore basic interface before they would approve it.

seems recently the the commodore basic interface has come back anyway, although I'm not sure if there are any restrictions.

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