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Comment Re:no surprise (Score 1) 191

Wait a sec - the developed world is to the left of the US center? How does that relate to the US left being left or right?

As far as "all modern societies agree that people can own things", that only goes so far for the left. You can own one small parcel, but you better not own a second house that you charge someone rent to live in. Or you own the land, but can't do anything with it that isn't approved by the government. If you own a factory, you better make sure the employees have a say in how it runs, and a share of the profit over and above their wages. I have seen all these arguments by people on the left, especially those who are from Europe.

That doesn't fit my definition of ownership, that is more akin to being allowed to call it yours as long as you don't get uppity. Do you remember the case of eminent domain in New London, Connecticut? The liberal side of the Supreme Court decided people can lose their property to benefit the local tax office. That is how I consider the left's view "that people can own things".

Besides the single point of ownership, what of the other primary Democrat/liberal policies? Here are the agenda points of the American left:
Unions, public and private sector
Regulation of industry and banking
Environmental regulation
National health care (Obamacare being a first stage)
College tuition support / Free college
Gay marriage
Equal rights / Non-discrimination
Prison reform / Abolish death penalty
Drug legalization
Gun control

Which of those are to the right of the dividing line? What position do the Democrats/liberals have that is on the right side of that line, other than ownership of property?

This isn't the first, or even the tenth, time I've asked this question. And the only answer I get back (if any at all) is property ownership and control. Every other issue the Democrats have is either left, far left, or neutral (such as 'support our troops').

Comment Re:Who gives a fuck (Score 1) 504

No, they're racists because they exhibit racist behaviors.
Just like we know you're a troll because of the things you say.

I'm a troll because I point out hypocrisy in what people say? Or their complete intolerance for opposing viewpoints? People know when I make trolling posts, and this isn't one of them.

And his point was not that "OMG, These people are all racists!!!". His point was "I thought these people were the same as me, based on prior posts we have all made on other topics. Now I see there is one aspect of one issue (i.e. an alien in a science fiction movie) where we don't have the groupthink I thought we had. I pity these ignorant former compatriots."

Based on this one topic, he completely disavows "people who I have considered my peers."

Comment Re:get glasses (Score 1) 191

Every time I ask what sets the American left to the right side of the mysterious dividing line, that is the only thing that is pointed to - right wingers believe people can own property and have control of it, rather than communal ownership or control. Being left wing means at the very least believing in communal control of capital, no other topic or agenda qualifies.

Comment Re:Never heard that one before (Score 1) 504

Doing a google image search for Snarf, I don't see the problem. Other than having a long snout and long ears, the two are nothing alike. Snarf speaks proper english, JarJar spoke a Gungan dialect of bad english. Snarf stands and walks like a human, JarJar stands and walks like a marionette (very loose-jointed). Even the snout and ears are done in completely different styles, so only their size is similar. And overall Snarf is shorter than those around him, while JarJar was quite tall.

I think Larry Elmore saw more in JarJar that wasn't there.

Comment Re:Compromise (Score 1, Insightful) 191

It's called compromise, not hypocrisy. That's common to all negotiations. You not supposed to pretend to like what you're voting for; you just have to say to yourself, "OK, I'm not getting what I want here, but I am getting what I want over there." Of course, compromise is impossible when one side absolutely refuses to compromise.

Hypocrisy is where you claim to represent "family values," while sleeping with someone other than your wife, or soliciting men in the men's room.

The Republicans here don't under stand compromise; just look at how they've spent the past 8 years chanting "NO!".

While giving President Obama everything he asks for. You are right, that isn't compromise, it's fellatio.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 2) 394

What "special treatment"? That they recline in a seat that is made for that function, just like all the other seats on the plane? What's so special about that?

If you want the "special treatment" of not having any reclining seats on a plane, call the airlines and demand they make a special plane just for complainers like you.

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