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Comment Free Markets! (Score 1) 743

What benefit would an individual Greek receive that would make him voluntarily agree to pay taxes to fund this "debt"? This whole mess stinks of socialism, and much of it enforced by non-Greeks as well. What you need to do is show each and every Greek how his sacrifice to others will be rewarded with profits in the near future.

Comment Re:so what? (Score 1) 202

Charity is about giving, not taking, so I and many others I know refuse to give to charity's whose CEOs worry more about taking as much as they can. I'm just thankful we are not "forced" to declare how much of our paychecks we will donate to these multimillionare lead organizations anymore.

Comment Re:so what? (Score 1) 202

I didn't send a dime to Nepal because everyone who asked for it made more money than me, but I did give all my spare change to beggars in the streeet who asked for it because they were in obvious need. Charity is about giving, and the "talented" MBA type CEOs just exist to suck in as much income from anyone than can.

Comment Re:so what? (Score 2) 202

I don't care if they are successful, only that they give. And I can tell you I am not the only one who quit giving part of my pay because of their CEO's greed. People got so tired of giving to an organization whose president sucked up more than we earned that we all refused to donate anymore. Charity is about giving, not profiting.

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