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Comment Re:cant lie (Score 1) 234

when we all found out who was taking over the FCC, I was terrified. Former cable lobbyist, now in charge of the group intended to regulate the same people. But it really looks like wheeler may be the right man for the job

Don't tell me you think he voted his conscience. He can be bought, and one side bought him off harder than the other.

Comment The word "framework" is often a big read flag. (Score 1) 158

Programmers are sensitive to taking a stance that might bring into question their intelligence, so this is a tough idea to convey sometimes - if a thick book and months of ramp-up are involved to get productive, chances are it's not worth it. The fear of someone saying "you're just not smart enough to use it properly" gets in the way of seeing the truth; generally, the more complicated the tool or framework, the more likely it's crap. I have seen great sins of architecture committed in the name of maintainability that wildly achieved the opposite. And those with the highest degrees were the worst offenders.

Comment A "glut of code" means needing more (Score 1) 266

developers, not less. Author is under the mistaken impression that more is better. It's not. Code is liability. The more you have, the bigger your problems. Nothing will change that without strong AI, which would be a much, much larger matter.

I see InfoWorld is also the same site that gave us the useless "Java vs. Node.js: An epic battle for developer mind share" article.

It's a constant irritation, reading articles written by so-called science and tech journalists that don't know what they're talking about.

Comment I don't get it. (Score 1) 412

If an individual did this, they'd be arrested and dragged into court (correct me if I'm wrong, this is just what I would expect if I did that myself). Multiply the scale by 10,000 though, and the businesses involved get not even a fine but... a cease-and-desist letter?

Could someone please explain to me - omitting the-world-is-going-to-hell screed - why we tend to prosecute small crimes so much more aggressively than the large ones?

Comment Re:Energy is not conserved in General Relativity (Score 1) 231

As a simple example, imagine a photon traveling through an expanding universe in a region with no other matter or energy (dark or otherwise). The expansion of space stretches the wavelength of the photon (cosmological redshift, which is distinct from Doppler redshift), causing it to lose energy. The photon loses energy with nothing around it gaining. Energy is lost because spacetime itself is changing, so Noether's theorem doesn't apply.

I wonder if we could add a scale-invariant component, and make the lost energy just a property of measuring it in a non-inflating reference frame.

Or, I should say, I wonder what contradictions that would lead to.

Comment Re:Stop it. There is nothing wrong with VB.NET. (Score 1) 648

I think it's poor form to respond to AC's, but you were reasonably polite if a little snide.

If you took the time to read the post, you would see that I didn't say I use VB.

Java itself isn't much different from C# so it's not the syntax that's the problem. Its developer community has the worst case cargo-cult engineering and misuse of GoF design patterns I have ever seen.

Overengineering is unnecessary complexity, and that is IMO is the worst sin you can commit in design. Cleaning up that special class of wreckage is much worse than rewriting simple newbie ineptitude. And at least the newbies can be corrected. The others can take months to come around, and it's always kicking and screaming.

Comment Stop it. There is nothing wrong with VB.NET. (Score 3, Insightful) 648

For all intents and purposes it is equivalent to C#, which is an excellent language.

I might actually prefer VB to C# because it doesn't have all those damn curly braces and semicolons - VB is much faster to type and the automatic indentation is better. The only dealbreakers for me were the awkward anonymous method syntax and industry stigma.

You want to talk about programmers being ruined, look at what the experienced do with Java.

Comment Re:You Must Be New Here (Score 1) 66

I'm an insensitive clod, I hadn't thought of literotica.

I quote from CaptQuark:

It takes some extra work to produce a visually appealing page that a screen reader can easily read and navigate after the style sheets are ignored by Jaws. It requires careful planning to design a page with multiple columns (menu column on the left, main content in the middle, additional information on the right) and organizing it so a screen reader can skip to the main content without listening to menu choice after menu choice on every page but still looks appealing to sighted users after the style sheets are applied.

This is an example of what you are not supposed to do. Windows 8 makes an easy example, convolving the needs of different UI paradigms is poor design. Proper application ADA support uses two interfaces, one for the sighted, and another for the blind, designed specifically for use by a text reader. Vi and Emacs do not require such bifurcation, but these are exceptions that prove the point; nobody in their right mind would release these applications to the general public and call them user-friendly.

Customers with ADA requirements never want to pay for including a blind tester, or doing the application architecture properly for text readers. I can and do use W3C guidelines, but I'm no expert and know I'm probably doing it poorly since there's nobody to push back to tell me what I've done right or wrong. I've seen bids double and triple when the ADA requirement is a hard one that will be independently tested. Including good support for the blind in applications is expensive, which is why I thought it might be nice to look at alternatives.

Comment Really? I was just thinking they should leave out (Score 1) 45

any attempt at artificial intelligence from search, so I don't have to keep using quotes and "verbatim" to tell it that yes, I really WAS looking for exactly what I typed, and not all this useless junk. IMO Google's search results have been getting significantly worse over the last couple of years. Sure, all that research is nice, but please give us the option to not use it.

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