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Comment Re:Men's Rights morons (Score 1) 776

What does that have to do with empowerment?

It's got everything to do with fear. Man I tell you, if I was part of a demographic that was the majority in college degree's awarded and minority in deaths, incarceration, fatal disease, dangerous occupations, victim of violence, etc ... well, I'd keep my mouth shut :-)

Comment Re:Is it a Mad Max movie though ? (Score 1) 776

Obviously it's a reply directly to a "poor me I can't do anything right" post but don't let your choice of pretending to be an idiot get in the way of reality.

It's anything but obvious.

By logic it applies only to "whiny virgins who feel they should have got a free supermodel" despite your attempt to show otherwise.

Nope - I even quoted it so that you won't get it wrong - parent in that thread said "Nerds are...", and you went ahead and replied "you forgot..."

You painted with a broad brush, and I called you out on it - all the abuse in that story is directed *to* nerds, not by them, and you happily joined the mob.

However you got very quiet instead of contesting the subject when I pointed out how far you were off the mark earlier, and here you are back without addressing it - so OK for you to dish it out but not me even when I wasn't actually dishing it out?

What mark? I got busy, it was a weekend after all, so for the fourth and final time, I ask you can point out the upvoted comment that you claimed was made that said "women are unsuitable for tech". You actually claimed that many such comments were made, IIRC, not just one.

(I actually understand: you have to *believe* that it exists. Because if it doesn't exist it means that you were part of the mindless mob. You don't want to believe that you'll be part of a mob.)

Comment Re:Affirmative Action (Score 1) 529

Yea, well you were not kept as slaves, killed for learning to read, beaten with inch and a quarter thick poles (often to death). Your families were not sold separately to different owners and broken up. You were not systematically excluded from education, jobs, housing, medical care for generations and eveb lynched for generations (as recently as the 1990s for several of those). The police don't selectively stop you, shoot you, arrest you while letting other races go without an arrest record.

He said he's Asian, so it's highly probable that someone in his ancestry endured all of that.

(PS. Every race was oppressed at one time or another. The line is drawn with the question "how far back was $FOO's oppression?", and not "were $FOOs ever oppressed?")

Comment Re:Fine for me, but not for thee (Score 1) 776

So, he's not allowed to say he's not, but because everyone says he is, then that's good enough for you?

I'm allowed to say that I'm LeBron James, but if people can clearly see that I'm not LeBron James, then no, it doesn't matter what I say I am or am not.

That's a different thing to what the article author is claiming. He's distancing himself from a group, he is not affiliating with a group. You, for example, are allowed to distance yourself from whichever group you want to, and you frequently do - you distance yourself regularly from equality groups/people whom you perceive as not being tough enough on males.

That's basically how group affiliation works.

Comment Re:Is it a Mad Max movie though ? (Score 1) 776

Of course, since you take things personally that are aimed in completely the opposite direction. Where is your apology for your accusation that I was attacking all geeks?

You really won't let this go, will you? Fair enough:

This post over here refers to all geeks. You reply to the post that refers to all geeks over here and add an item - " for being whiny virgins who feel they should have got a free supermodel".

When one refers to $FOO unqualified like you did, you refers to all $FOO. You could have said "$FOO, in general", "many $FOO", or even "some $FOO", "$FOO, usually", etc...

Now, how about addressing the fact that you said, in that thread, that *most* of the comments derogatory to women are upvoted, hmm? Now that I've shown you where you called all nerds whiny, you could show me where the upvoted comments that were derogatory to women are in that story?

(PS, I know you can't; this is not the first time the that claim "most /. commenters are mostly misogynistic most of the time" are made, and then the claimers go silent when asked for proof...)

Comment Re:You can't make this shit up. (Score 1) 776

Madculinism got a bad name, that's why. In its pure form it is essentially the same as feminism, so most guys who believe that stuff just call themselves feminists. There are people who describe themselves as masculinists, but they are essentially just misogynists and people who want to act like dicks and justify it.

So, MRAs use a different name to emphasise that they are interested in the rights issues, of which there are some genuine ones. Unfortunately many of them could be described as masculinists, and again people who really care about the issues just call themselves feminists.

This has drifted somewhat - lately the people calling themselves feminists are promoting a "check your privilege" narrative, and are insane. The people calling themselves MRAs are promoting a "women are users" narrative, and are insane. The rest of us call ourselves egalitarian (and are not necessarily sane either, but it varies).

Really, it's an embarrassment to the human race that so many people are willing to self-identify with nutjobs like the authors of jezebel (or similar), or the author of the article in question.

Comment Re:Once a week you may have noticed (Score 1) 613

Who, other than AC's, are actually saying this?

Seems to be quite a lot of them

Wait, AC's are saying this and you extrapolate that to "most slashdot readers"? AC's post GNAA and similar shit too - do you also think that nerds have opinions on homosexual negro men? If not, why not?

? and people modding them up too.

Browse at -1. Please. I did, and most of the comments derogatory to women are below 0. And you know what, I *want* to believe that you saw posts at 2 or above saying that women are unsuitable for tech, but I haven't seen one. Care to link to one, *even* *if* *AC*? I'm not convinced that you are just repeating the narrative instead of actually reading the comments. I read the comments I didn't find the posts you seem to be talking about.

Maybe it's all Dice employees modding them up to stir the pot, but more likely people with an account who agree. Also I refuse to take responsibility for people taking comments personally when it's very clear that the comments are directed at the utter fuckwits that fit my insult precisely, and definitely not "all nerds".

So you understand why most posters here are refusing to take responsibility for something some fuckwit AC said about women not belonging in tech, and suddenly they are being told by SJW's that they are misogynistic if they don't see it? That they don't see it because of their privilege? You won't take responsibility for something you actually said, do you not understand why the rest of us won't take responsibility for thing we didn't actually say or do?

Comment Re:"Cashless" is meaningless (Score 1) 294

Alternately, if the Greeks keep their minimum wage but get off the Euro and make the drachma the official currency again, the value of the drachma will fall until Greek labor is worth buying at the revised exchange rate, if the rate is allowed to float.

Which is precisely why the EU would not want Greece to break away from the Euro. Because Greece is a sovereign nation they can peg the value of the scrip (Drachma) to whatever they want. It will be set artificially high on the day of the break-away and all debts will be considered in Drachma (sovereign nation, remember!). A year later when they finally pay (and the drachma is 1/10th of it's value) the creditors get an effective 1/10th of their debt while the debtor gets to settle their debt for 10c on the Euro.

The value of the labour is not what sets a country's currency value anyway, it's the value of the country.

There's no reason for a "weakest state" to drop out, it just has to stop destroying itself. Alas, as long as the people elect politicians selling fantasies, the destruction will continue.

There's always one reason - with a single currency between a group of countries the weaker economies will always be at a disadvantage *because* they have no control over the money supply. Without control over the money supply you can forget trying to control the economy. This is the primary reason few countries use commodity backed-currencies (gold, silver, etc) - they have no control over the supply of the commodity and hence they cannot control the economy.

Comment Re:Gold and Silver? (Score 1) 294

No one's ever thought "hey maybe the government and bankers are using fiat currency system is screwing us all and we should go back to the monetary system that we've had for most of recorded history"?

A lot of people will point out the short comings of a precious metal money supply but it has one big advantage: You can't create gold through quantitative easing or other manipulative accounting tricks. You actually have to trade goods and services in order to accumulate it.

That's the problem with gold and silver - you have to actively trade goods and services in order to accumulate it. What happens when technology and human innovation and efficiency proceeds at a rate several orders of magnitudes greater than the mining of gold and silver[1]? With gold/silver you cannot match value against currency in a stable and consistent manner. With fiat money you can.

[1]Like with the mass-production of the transistor, or the last two decades of efficiency improvements due to computers, etc.

Comment Re:"Cashless" is meaningless (Score 1) 294

You need a currency.

"1000 Quatloos for the newcomers!"

It will be interesting to see how Greece gets out of their mess, when they run out of Euros. Pundits are guessing that Greece will issue "scrips", which are a kind of government IOU, and pay government salaries and pensions with them.

The only problem with that is . . . who will want these scrips? Certainly not even the Greeks themselves. They want Euros. And they will try to get rid of their scrips as soon as they can, in exchange for something of value.

Car sales are up now in Greece by something like 40%, as people worry about if their bank accounts will get raided by the government. An automobile is considered as something "valuable". The cruel irony here, is that Greeks prefer to buy German cars . . . exactly the folks who Greeks blame for all their problems. So the Germans are actually benefiting the most from this.

It's a non-problem. If a country cannot control the money supply they are left with few options to control their economy. Using interest rates and money supply a central bank can very strictly control all aspects of their economy (spiraling debt, runaway inflation, etc). Greece does not control their own money supply.

There will always be a weakest state in the EU; almost just by definition alone that weakest state will face trade deficits with the rest of the EU. With no way to control their own currency they will get weaker and weaker unless the rest of the EU keeps them afloat.

Lets say that the EU /doesn't/ keep that weakest state afloat... with no other option the weakest state will eventually be forced to leave the EU and start printing its own money (or scrips, as you referred above to them). This leaves the creditors of that state in the unenviable position of being forced to either forfeit the debt or accept the newly issued money at a certain exchange rate; a rate which will be set artificially high by the state purely to offset as much of the debt as possible.

The best chance the creditors have to get their money back eventually is to ensure that the weakest state remains in the EU... Because, you see, once that weakest state leaves the EU and discharges its debt with worthless scrip, there will be another "weakest state" in the EU! The process will then repeat for that state too, even faster this time because the new weakest-EU-state saw how the previous-weakest-EU-state got a whole lot of money from creditors and didn't have to pay it back!

So, now it's Greece; if Greece leaves EU without fulfilling its debt obligations to Germany, then the new weakest state might be.... Portugal? Someone, at any rate. After two years this Greece process will repeat with that new weakest state. And so on, until only two states are using Euros.

So the EU cannot do anything that will cause a country to leave. They know this. We know this. Anyone who's ever been a creditor knows this. You never let your debtor go bankrupt until after they've settled their debt to you.

After all getting *most* of your money back is better than getting almost nothing (or, in the case of Greece, nothing at all).

If Greece only owed a little then the EU might let them leave in a huff - the scrip they offer might offset that small amount they owe. But Greece owes a lot, more than the EU can afford to write off as a bad debt.

And all this because weak countries will be unable to focus their economies due to having no control over the money supply

TLDR:- There's a saying amongst capitalists, venture or otherwise: If you owe your bank $100,000 and cannot settle it then you have a problem. If you owe your bank $100 million and cannot pay, then it's your bank that has a problem. It's not Greece that has the problem, it's the EU!

Comment Re:Once a week you may have noticed (Score 1) 613

What makes it incredibly funny is most of the arguments are about how woman are unsuitable for staying indoors and typing while men are - your grandpas in their youth would have called you all sissies for doing woman's work.

Who, other than AC's, are actually saying this? The only hate, abuse and insults are coming from the SJW camps. You just called all nerds whiny virgins.

Comment Re:Easy (Score 1) 613

Women studies are sexist because there are no men studies

If only there was a way to check whether such a thing exists before making bald and incorrect factual claims:'s+stu...

It's very important to read your references before your cite them. From the very first link of the search that you provided(wikipedia, second paragraph):

" In many universities, men's studies is a correlation to women's studies or part of a larger gender studies program, and as such its faculty tends to be sympathetic to, or engaged in, advocacy of feminist politics."


"They often discuss the issues surrounding male privilege, "

Certainly doesn't sound like a counterweight to "womens studies".

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