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Comment Re:Not a good week... (Score 4, Insightful) 445

How do you expect to ever get there if rich people aren't funding it first? Like it or not, rich people funding novelties leads to mass production and streamlining of processes which in turn make everything cheaper for us little guys. On top of that, it's THEIR money. Why should they give a damn about your opinion on how they spend it?

Comment Re:Am I dense? (Score 1) 191

I'm going to go with at least slightly dense.

Since when has "yes, you can search my phone for evidence of criminal activity to use against others" given the police full access to use any data on the phone, even completely unrelated to a crime, for any purpose? Are they now allowed to go through the phone of someone caught for possession and text his wife about his possible mistress? Awfully big can of worms you've got the opener on.

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