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Comment Re: Question asked. Answer NO. (Score 1) 612

Most of the guys in my CS classes were ugly...

Problem isn't that they are sexist, the problem is that they are smart/engaged enough to notice and not socially "adjusted" enough to no longer say the truth. On the other side I would agree that in my observations most woman prefer the happy lie to the truth so they tend not to fit in with logical pursuits...

Comment Re:Chimps' sex lives (Score 1) 370

Just because someone says something is a rhetorical question doesn't mean it shouldn't be answered. The labeling it as rhetorical question just shows that their mind is closed and they are trying to avoid debate, isn't that your intent? Oh don't bother responding that was a rhetorical question as the answer is obvious...

In this case you have a postulate hiding inside a rhetorical question. They do this, as you have so clearly shown, in order to try and keep people from remarking on the postulate itself. In order to be nice, as I try not to be a raving jack ...hint leaver..., I started with the easy joke that the answer was obvious and went in a different direction. Now obviously my comment, or comments in this case as I would include this one, are not for the commenter but instead are for the others reading as I have already deduced a curtain closed mindedness on the writers part. As a side note it is very easy to spot these rhetorical blunders as they usually are unsupported. This is done intentionally as if there was something outside of the rhetorical question and answer then there would be something to respond to or talk about and we have already figured out is not their purpose.

Comment Re:If companies can be people... (Score 1) 370


I mean other than calling a corporation a "person" is a shorthand for a long and involved set of rulings that that don't make it a person but instead say that inherits some of the rights of those who own it?

Even if it really meant that a corporation was a real "person" why would a chimp be a better candidate? From a biological perspective a corporation is made up of member people so it is way closer to a human than a chimp can ever be. From an intellectual perspective a corporation is, usually, made up of relatively intelligent adults while a chimp is at best in the 3-4 year old category. From a law, or understanding of it at least, perspective most corporations far exceed even human standards, think of all the compliance, accountants and HR drones.

Comment Re:Chimps' sex lives (Score 2) 370

Ah, but like most rhetorical questions the answer is easy.

To put it in simple terms...
Just because some people decide to deal together as a group does not magically take away their rights so some rights of the individuals are exercisable by the corporation. Just because a chimp can recognize an apple does not mean that it can understand and enter into our social contract.

I would suggest this article if you are interested in the concept of the social contract: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_contract
Presuming the US here is a article on Locke: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke

And just to be complete here is one about how the social contract is wrong (which I would disagree with): http://www.animalethics.org.uk/contractarianism.html

I would suggest this article if you actually care what "personhood" they are talking about: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate_personhood
"Generally speaking, corporations may invoke rights that groups of individual may invoke, such as the right to petition, to speech, to enter into contracts and to hold property, to sue and to be sued. However, they may not exercise rights which are exclusive to individuals and cannot be exercised by other associations of individuals, including the right to vote and the right against self incrimination." - above link

Comment Re:find a way around (Score 1) 1216

I would put it in two 'rates' as there really are two goals in my mind for this question.

In my mind there is no reason for the total of ALL forms of the government to confiscate more than 25% of the total economy for whatever moronic purposes they wish to put it to (yes, this is about what the Feds are on track to spend this year but this should cover ALL levels of government). This should be more than enough to run a reasonable defense and provide some basic social services.

As for individual rates I would have to set both a min and a max. No person should send less than 5% of his income (or equivalent time) to the many levels of government and no person should be coerced to send more than 50% (or equivalent time) to the many levels of government. If unable to give at least 5% you should be considered chattel and treated as such. At more than 50% you should be considered a slave and we should do the honest thing and just call you that.

In my mind any distribution that meets this would be fair. Now if you are asking what an ideal state would be I believe having the total tax burden in the 10%-15% range would be much better for us as a whole.

Comment Re:dying democracy (Score 1) 234

You imply what we have now is "modest restraints". I have heard that just the federal regulations reached 175,000 pages this year. As long as we have a system so complex that even the brightest among us find it impossible to understand you will have abuses. I think we have spent the last 100 years proving the piling more and more regulations on people leads to nothing good.

As for the shouting down bit, what a joke. Try this type "conservatives shouting down" in Google and see what you get, now try "liberals shouting down". Kind of odd that both end up returning articles about liberals misbehaving isn't it? Personally, I would find some other phrase to peddle your ideology as this one is just humorous.

Comment Re:reasonably implement (Score 1) 211

Of course it was. I am not saying I agree at all with piracy, just saying I disagree with what our laws say and how many laws we have.

Did you really think we want those laws observed? said Dr. Ferris. We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be
much easier to deal with. ('Atlas Shrugged' 1957)

Comment Re:Tenure means squat (Score 1) 1313

Gah, I can't tell if you are trying to be intentionally dull as sarcasm or if you really don't fully comprehend what you are saying here.

Tenure is part of the Seniority System used in academia supposedly to protect teaches from being fired for teaching and researching unpopular topics. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenure_(academic) . After you reach some seniority level one of the perks you gain is that the only way to be fired is via a horrendous process that is nearly impossible to finish. See: http://www.teachersunionsexposed.com/protecting.cfm and http://reason.com/assets/db/12639308918768.pdf.

The complaints you have are a direct result of this Seniority System in general and tenure in specific. If they are unable to fire the bad teachers there is little chance that they will have room to bring on good teachers. The yearly layoff notices are just a way to get around the moronic rules on how long you have to notify a tenured teacher before they are part of a layoff. See: http://www.lao.ca.gov/reports/2012/edu/teacher-layoffs/teacher-layoffs-032212.aspx

The best part of your post is where you say your friends are leaving the state to find more stability else where. I have several acquaintances who are teachers as well and this is a common thing among them. Instead of realizing this system is complete junk because tenure (and seniority in general) causes these problems most teachers want to move to where they can get more seniority and don't want to change it, they just want to be one of ones protected.

You can't clean house at a school until the good teachers quick protecting the bad ones.

Comment Re:It ought to be illegal (Score 2) 798

Translation: I wants what I wants when I wants it, and its none of your business.

Which is true, right up until you have these morons saying its a necessity of life. At that point they are usually trying to get me to pay for it in some indirect way or to commiserate with them over spending their money on silly things.

Its not that people are better if they don't have cell phones or watch TV. Its that people who can identify wants versus needs will end up better, all things being equal. We tend to save for the future instead of spending everything right now. We tend to save up for things instead of buying them on credit, giving us more money. We tend to strive to be happy with what we have not be unhappy with what we don't have.

Given the average cable bill is almost $70 and the average bill for a cell phone is $47 a person we can see on these two WANTS alone a family of 4 would spend $258 a month or $3,096 a year. With a median income of $45k (in the US) it seems to some of us very odd that someone would pay 7% of their net income on a phone and an idiot box.


Comment Re:I'm curious to see how many retailers actually (Score 1) 732

Obviously someone has very little idea how business works so let me help you. The only $6.71B in the link you made is called Gross Profit. This is not profitability if you want that you can simply look at the Profit Margin (30.08%) and know how silly what you said is. Any technology company is going to look similar as the CoGS is so low and the cost of all the other parts (Like Payroll and Taxes) are so high.

In fact as a general rule of thumb I expect a company like this to be a 3x'er.
- 1/3 revenue goes to profit
- 1/3 revenue goes to payroll
- 1/3 revenue goes to everything else

Anyone who has had a chance to see one of the credit card clearing houses would know that a lot is spent on processing credit cards (not even counting statment processing). This is not to say that there isn't room for a hungy young company to come in and clean up. As with all large corporations there is plenty of room to do the job better. However, unless you can find some group that would want cards that only work in some places (say walmart cards or something like that) you would have to be accepted in so many places that it would be nearly impossible to start out. Add to that the billion and one regulations that get added every day and I doubt that a new credit card company could start that wasn't virtually a shell for of one of the current ones. A high barrier to entry doesnt even being to cover it.


Comment Re:Please roll this out to work (Score 1) 614

First, everyone has an ideology they are like accents you may have the prevailing one for your area but that doesn't mean its any less there. I mean seriously look at your original post "silly ideology", "culture of me" and "anti-intellectualism" are not what anyone should consider neutral terms. It's fine, probably even important, to have an ideology as it means your standing for something. You say there is little polarization of ideology where you are but is this real or just because of those you associate with? I find it interesting to look at polls for areas I am in (city/state/country) to see how many people believe what. Always interesting to find out that a large portion of the population believes something and I can find nobody in my friends and family that agrees with them.

Second, again our ideologies are so far apart it is hard to even understand where you are coming from. How are free things an example of life being good? I mean this implies that at some level your ultimate state of "good" is to basically do nothing and have everything provided to you. How is this not parasitic? Also, what would be excess money? It seems to me that if you are having to go on the dole when you are out of work you failed to plan/save good enough while you were working.

Anything outside of fair consensual trade is a form of slavery/parasitism from what I can tell. Helping others is not slavery if I person does it of his own free will but is if it is done because the government forces him.

Sorry, would write more but work calls,

Comment Re:Please roll this out to work (Score 1) 614

Socialist, socialistic or just liberal... Its hard to draw a line and say past this point is bad. I would however say I would probably not enjoy living in a place with the ideology you seem to be for.

I find your "facts" to be mildly humorous, I am supposedly in the culture of "me" but what you like is free this, free that, short hours and perks! How much more of a "me" motivation can you get then basing your life on what you can take from other people (as free really only means free to you right)? If we could find a decent way to co-exist I would be for it but unfortunately it appears to me that your "free" can only come at the expensive of my blood, sweat and tears. I would rather work 50 hours a week as a free man than 30 as a slave or 0 as a parasite. I could live with paying tribute to make you and your kind leave me alone but that has always been a problem hasn't it? My resources are finite as I am only human, but your desires are endless as you are also. To enslave my mind to your stomach is a tragedy.

The part you probably can't, or don't want to, understand is that my way of life is not about "me" it's about how we interact with each other. I can not view a system as moral that requires as a basic tenant that people are to be slaves to others. The profits of my mind and my body are not public property and any time they are used as such it is an affront to the best in all of us as it makes me a slave and others parasites. What I can not understand is how a man could allow himself to become a parasite in the first place.

Hopefully you retain at least enough moral fortitude that you plan to use your college degree for some good, even if it is just supporting yourself, to pay back those who are sending you.

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