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Comment Re:These guys call me every few months... (Score 1) 229

1. Just tell them you only have Linux, they'll hang up immediately.

I tried that when they called me many years ago (back when windows XP was new... and they had the same recorded opening message back then) and the guy on the phone told me that no I didn't, my computer was a Microsoft Windows Computer, because that is what everyone has. He literally would not believe me that I wasn't using Windows. He actually got angry with me. It was kinda funny really.

Comment Re:Funny thing... (Score 3, Interesting) 229

Another good trick to use is to pretend you're trying to follow their instructions, and that it's just not working.

Tell them your virus scanner is giving you alerts, they'll think you're a really good target. If your phone has a 'mute' option, ask them to hold on for a second because you've got another call. Come back within a minute or two, and if they're still there, lead them on again. Never let on that you aren't actually following their instructions, never let on that you know it's a scam. As long as they think they've got you hooked, they'll keep trying. As soon as you reveal that you're not buying into their lines, they'll cut bait and look for someone else to scam.

That's the big difference between the major scammers like this, and the ordinary telemarketers who just want to sell you things you don't need while you're trying to eat dinner - the scammers are allowed to hang up. The regular telemarketers aren't, and you can spend an hour telling them all about the coffee cup sitting on your desk.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 2, Insightful) 1262

First, your math is way off if you've got your comment/threat numbers that far backwards.

Second, if you actually watch her videos, instead of just the clips of them interspersed through thunderf00t's angry ranting, you'll find that yes, she actually does debunk them, and covers the "numbers game" you're taking about with your "a million male characters die for every female character" thing. "Random ninja being shot/chopped down in a fight" is not the same thing as "mostly naked woman splayed out on a bed with a knife in her as a prop". Those random ninjas? They're wearing masks and could just as easily be very flat chested women. Yes, that's sarcasm. I'm not suggesting that anyone actually believes that they're female, but really, there's no way of knowing, and their gender isn't related to why they're being killed, and the game would be the same if they were male, female, or genderless robots in costumes. The sad part? If they were intended to be female ninjas that you're mowing through? Instead of the full ninja armor/pajamas they're wearing, they'd be mostly naked.

Now take that nude female corpse on the bed, not even killed by the player - killed by the antagonist as a "see how evil he is?" prop. How many male victims are portrayed in the same way? No, the answer isn't "millions", it's "nearly never".

Your constant claims that she won't address these points are sounding like Fox News complaining that Obama won't fight the ISIS groups that he's currently bombing the shit out of.

Comment Re: Her work (Score 2) 1262

In a large number of jurisdictions, "uttering a threat" and "uttering a death threat" are capital crimes completely separate from harassment, and as capital crimes, charges can only be filed by the authorities, and not by the affected target. This was a major case in the city I used to live in, as someone was given death threats repeatedly from the same source, reported it to the authorities, who ignored it, and then the person making the threats followed through on them. (cue rapid ass-covering on behalf of law enforcement and the psych ward of the hospital that had certified the threat-maker as stable and not a threat to anyone, even after they knew about the threats)

Comment Re: Her work (Score 1, Insightful) 1262

Who are you to judge someone else's lifestyle choices or sexual orientations?

A sane, rational, non sociopathic human being with the capacity to feel empathy for others? Don't pull the " YOU CAN'T JUDGE ME!!!!111one1! " crap, it's pointless, and stupid. Every human being judges every other human being they encounter, every time they encounter them. You're judging the person you're responding to by trying to claim they aren't suited to make judgements about others. And yes, if you get off on looking at mutilated, naked, dead women, I'm judging you to be unsuited to belong in civilized society. So will any other sane, rational, non sociopath. Deal with it.

Those games are perfectly legal.

There are plenty of "perfectly legal" actions which are flat out disgusting and immoral. If the only defense you can come up with for disgusting hateful behavior is that "it isn't specifically illegal!", then you're admitting that you've already lost the argument.

Comment Re:The utility/need/desire exists (Score 1) 107

It's arguable whether having five million flyers is a safe thing

It's not even arguable - it's absolutely not a safe thing. The street I used to live on was littered with bits of cars that fell off, and then the owner didn't even bother going back to get. Hub caps, mirrors, door handles, mufflers, once a whole rear fender. Basic maintenance, or even "taking care not to run into things" is an alien concept to a lot of drivers, most of whom will be the first one to get angry and confrontational if you suggest that maybe they need to take better care of things.

And the Flying Car advocates want these people flying over top of my house?

No thank you. There's enough things to worry about dying from than some idiot's fender falling on me while I'm walking down the street.

Comment Re:1800s (Score 1) 552

Also, sea levels were much higher - like, over a hundred meters higher. Higher enough to sell ocean-front property in Kansas - here's a neat toy to visualize sea level increases with current geography:

Sadly, it's a Java Applet, meaning you'll have to fight through permissions and version updates and crap, but if you can get past that, it's a good demonstration of why melting the ice caps is a bad idea, especially if you live in Florida or Louisiana.

Comment Re:The Carbon Tax (Score 0) 552

you can and do breath carbon gases

Stick your head in a smoke stack and see how long that idea holds up for, or even just hanging out in some of the worse areas of China.

While technically many people would suffocate in an atmosphere which contained zero carbon dioxide (it triggers the breathing reflex when enough builds up in the lungs. You can breathe deliberately, but not while asleep.) excessive carbon dioxide is not breathable. Additionally, the majority of the producers of carbon dioxide are also pumping out hundreds of other pollutants into the atmosphere at the same time, the vast majority of which are very much not breathable. This is why people can die from being closed into a car where the exhaust system is leaking into the passenger cabin.

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