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Comment Apple (Score 1, Interesting) 187

It's only a problem with Apple devices. Both Android and Windows devices are generic bluetooth. My Windows Phone (HTX 8X) works wonderfully with my VW, which connects via bluetooth for the phone part, and bluetooth audio for the music part. Works seamlessly. iPhones... not so much. As long as people use devices that conform to generic bluetooth standards, it's not a problem.

Comment $$ for software (Score -1) 419

I'm SO happy that I pay for software. I don't have to deal with all of this open source drama bullshit, and have to worry about when somebody's temper tantrum decides to end or radically change some software that I rely on for my business. My eyes glazed over halfway through the story summary, and I really don't care.

Comment pluses and minuses (Score 5, Informative) 1191

Well it certainly looks more modern and pretty.
But the part where 70% of my monitor is blank white space sure isn't a step forward.
And not being able to see any comment info on the home page is another step backwards.
But it doesn't look antiquated. That's sure a plus. It looks like the default wordpress theme.
Hey it's like a hot sorority chick! Sexy as hell for an hour. Then frustrating and mostly empty. But hey it shows real well at homecoming.

Comment Disney is a conundrum (Score 1) 62

Disney has such cool technology and amazing implementation from their theme parks to their cruise ships. It's fascinating to watch how they do things.
Meanwhile, the Disney Channel is so full of terrible awful nauseating acting and relentless fake laugh tracks that I can't stand when my kids have it on the other room. I make them turn it off. 5 other things on TV at any time that are much better for them and that they like (And yes OFF is the best setting). Yet you turn to any full length animated feature and it's usually pretty darn good.
Disney is ruining their name with their daily TV. Pre-teens "acting" worse than any 6th grade talent show, with dialogue that would choke a normal kid.

It's hard to understand the total disparity in quality.

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
