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Comment Re:Simple (Score 2, Interesting) 156

except that originality (creativity) has a different meaning in copyright law to the everyday notion of originality. Copyright law is used to protect unfair competition in Australia, "originality" includes the skill and labour used to create a work. This interpretation of "originality" dates back to a case in 1900 (Walter v Lane). I personally don't like the use of copyright to police unfair competition, but that's just how copyright works (in Australia at least).

Submission + - Comparing web development platforms empirically (plat-forms.org)

whrde writes: "How do you compare Java to Python to Ruby to .NET? Very little empirical research has been done into web development platforms, mostly because it's a particularly difficult thing to do.

A research group at the Free University of Berlin is conducting a survey as part of the Plat_Forms effort. Results will be compiled and can be emailed to anyone who completes the survey.

If you have experience with two or more web development languages, you can contribute to this research by completing the survey."

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