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Comment Re:Does *any* industry start a new union anymore? (Score 1) 761

I certainly agree with you and would fully place myself behind such efforts to modernize worker/employee/labor laws however the people that would actually benefit from this would be "group-thought" into believing its bad for them. This is why unions in most environments are thought of as old dinosaurs that have outstayed their time. They will do everything they can to keep themselves here while contributing very little to the overall cause of their missions. I know full well that unions have enabled the common-man to have better wages, safer workplaces and fair compensation but I also know how they have hindered many developments of future growth to the same businesses. Unions are no unlike the rest of the world. Environments, culture, people and places all change and eventually need to be looked at again with an open mind. As long as most people believe that the government or someone else will take care of them they will be glad to be thought-for by others. Since there is no easy way to show long term damage until it is typically catastrophically to late, this trend will likely remain.

Comment Lower the standard (Score 1) 717

We will get there by lowering the expectation. We expect that a Gallon will be equal to the set volume that it is currently at but in 13 years, a Gallon will represent nearly 2.5X the amount that it does today. This is still logically correct when discussing MPG's and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Now get off my math.

Comment Re:Like everywhere else it's been tried... (Score 1) 732

Keep adding a million migrants or so each year that scrape bottom barrel to live but use the same exact healthcare system. What little money they "save" usually goes back to their home country for their even poorer families. The problem is compound in America as we want to help others out but many of those people can't come close to helping themselves out. They ignore the rules that we have to protect our nation from these sort of issues but we also have rules that say, "You're here, let us help you." It's good humanitarianly speaking but you can't have the huge disparity in what is being paid and how much they are paying into. Canada is very stable when it comes to this and the disparity between the rich and poor is much smaller. Canada will most like remain good in most aspects as they don't seem to have any real change in population growth. The U.S simply cannot handle the type influx it has been seeing over the past 15-20 years.

Comment Re:Like everywhere else it's been tried... (Score 1) 732

You generalize Americans as though we don't see the problem ourselves. We damn well know what a lot of the problems are, we just aren't allowed to talk about them. Talking about *important* matters only makes those that are dumb-voted in the office angry. When they get angry, they start to make laws that are only in place to make feel like they have accomplished something. It is 100% rubbish, all around, left or right.

Comment Re:The Chinese... (Score 1, Insightful) 544

We (The United States) offer them the ability to keep their land and people under peace and not the premise of war. We (The United States) have the military strength to undermine another sovereign state's ability to maintain control of factories and production of said goods. This is what we offer to them and will do so until we cannot do so.

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