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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 0 accepted (3 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - XP SP3 White paper released 1

duggi writes: "XP SP3 has been released. Would you like to upgrade? Note that Microsoft is not rubbing its users on their heads with IE7 by not including it in this pack.If they want to make XP more secure, and IE7 is more secure, why are they not pushing it?"

Submission + - Telephones ready for skype? (

duggi writes: "Mobile phone provider 3 has launched a new pre-paid handset that will allow users to make free calls over the internet via telephony service Skype. How hard would this hit the established telecom industry, and how many products similar to skype are we going to see? This would ,most likely open up a debate on what the Mobile companies are charging us, and what alternatives we have to deal with them."

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