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Submission + - Two Harvard Professors Blow the Whistle on ACTA (

MoeDumb writes: ...Two Harvard professors take to the pages of The Washington Post to blast President Obama for failure to live up to his pledges of transparency, and for acting in an unprecedented and unconstitutional manner. And no, this time it's not about his handling of and signature on the unconstitutional health care legislation passed this week in Congress. They reserve their harshest criticism for lack of precedent, transparency, and apparently constitutionality. Among their points:

The leaked draft of ACTA belies the U.S. trade representative's assertions that the agreement would not alter U.S. intellectual property law.

It raises the stakes on the constitutionally dubious method by which the administration proposes to make the agreement binding on the United States.

The leaked draft, though incomplete in many respects, makes clear that negotiators are considering ideas and principles not reflected in U.S. law.

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