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Comment Re:hmm.... (Score 2) 112

Ahh. So with Google safe-browsing in Firefox and Chrome, and MS whateverthefuck filter, clearly there are no successful phishing attacks involving websites.

No, I've reported phishing domains that stayed up for over 48 hours. Google (stopbadware, opendns anti-phishing) and Netcraft respond pretty quickly to phishing reports but people still end up at the sites trying their damnest to log in.

Maybe hosting providers should be the same way when you report one of their servers as hacked and being used for a botnet check-in or malware hoster. Do nothing until a court order. That should work well!

Comment Re:And this (Score 1) 562

Pursuit of happiness, because it is inalienable. And you are confusing the catch-phrase with the ideal it was supposed to embody.

Life, liberty, and property; government as a social contract instead of a magical machine that exists because it wants to; those are the enlightenment ideals that the founders were basing everything off.

The US Navy involvement in counter-slave commerce:

Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau and they weren't slave owners.

That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
Virginia Declaration of Rights

The US wasn't founded on property rights, it was founded on a government that could only do certain things. Taking your property just for the lulz is NOT on the list. Constantly bringing up slavery serves one purpose exactly: push a government that can do anything it wants, including taking your property for the lulz.

Comment Re:And this (Score 1) 562

The US was founded on the enlightenment ideals were that a government was a social contract among free people in a state of nature to secure life, liberty, and property.

Free people in a state of nature are free "to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons, as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of nature."

Why would people come together and voluntarily surrender part of their sovereignty? To secure life, liberty, and property.

Slavery existed before and after the US, the US didn't invent it, the US helped end the global slave trade, and slavery was NOT a founding principal. The ideas that Jefferson et al were following were from Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau and they weren't slave owners. In a time when the global sentiment was "government is here because we said so, subjects do what we tell you to do", these guys placed their personal fortunes and lives at risk to create what WAS the freest nation on earth. Having to bring slavery up in every discussion about liberty shows how people pine for the good-old-days when everyone but royalty really were slaves.

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