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Comment Re:Don't get it (Score 5, Insightful) 342

Free market principles? How about plain old freedom?

How about the enlightenment principle that government can't simply make up whatever laws it wants. There is no such thing as liberty if a local dictator can tell you what lightbulb to make or how to sell cars.

Why not force the regular car dealers to also bundle horse buggy whips with all car purchases to protect the horse-buggy-whip establishment.

This is another uber ridesharing story with different players. North Korea only has one dictator at a time. In the US we have thousands, spread across 4+ levels of government.

Comment ahh homeopathy. (Score 4, Insightful) 794

so diluted that, statistically speaking, they may not contain a single molecule

...but THAT is what makes it so effective!
Looks like Dice and _roo are in teh pockets of big pharma and big grocery !!!1!

Here's another alarming trend: people are starting to use "homeopathy" to mean "holistic, nature-based, alternative medicine". When you tell them what homeopathy really means you will get "well that's not what it means to me! i mean in the more general sense" or "meanings change over time!".

Comment Re:Why so defensive about French? (Score 1) 506

storefront clear of trash

if it spills into the public property, then there is a problem. if the trash is completely on the stores property, the market will likely take care of it.

require them to pay their employees

the deal worked out between the person selling labor and the person buying labor is between those parties, and not your / our / my business.

dump hazardous chemicals wherever

again, if the chemicals get off the property then we have a problem. if the chemicals stay on the property, not your / our / my problem.

Comment Re:First blacks, (Score 1) 917

if a wedding photographer doesn't want to sell services for a gay wedding, who are YOU to force them?
oh, we take a vote then?
how about we vote to take all YOUR shit and hand it out to the rest of us?
labeling this "anti-gay legislation" is total bullshit. a law calling for the arrest of gays, now THAT would be anti-gay legislation.
gays should have a right to get maried. photographers should have a right to pick which jobs to do. you can have your abortion, i won't be forced to help you.

Comment Re:The building owner is at fault? (Score 2) 158

I'm imagining emailing the "abuse" contact for a electronics manufacturer about thier abusive light-bulbs, them opening a ticket, emailing you back a month later only to claim that they looked into it and they can't find any abuse coming from thier line of toasters. Maybe a few links to an FAQ about protecting yourself from abusive fridges.

Comment Re:hmm.... (Score 2) 112

Ahh. So with Google safe-browsing in Firefox and Chrome, and MS whateverthefuck filter, clearly there are no successful phishing attacks involving websites.

No, I've reported phishing domains that stayed up for over 48 hours. Google (stopbadware, opendns anti-phishing) and Netcraft respond pretty quickly to phishing reports but people still end up at the sites trying their damnest to log in.

Maybe hosting providers should be the same way when you report one of their servers as hacked and being used for a botnet check-in or malware hoster. Do nothing until a court order. That should work well!

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