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Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 180

I believe that he pointed out rather clearly that he did not give a shit about what companies are selling to companies to get him to buy shit.

Where his rational fear comes from is when an entity with guns and prisons comes for you. This is what the constitution is meant to protect us from, "The Tyranny of the Government". I also do not give a fuck that P&G knows how many times a day I take a crap. I do care when the police violate my privacy in an attempt to take away my freedom or my life.

We have the freedom to choose the people we want to do business with (Exceptions being Government granted monopolies). We do not have the freedom to tell the government to fuck off.

Comment Re:You guessed it: It depends (Score 1) 224

As an employee your job is to do your best. Period. They hire you at a wage you both agree on. Then. You do your best as an employee for the company. If you have "tools" that you can use and do not then you are not doing the right thing. This is not to say that they should get free permanent lic of all your "IP" (Fuck I hate that phrase) becaue you had the pleasure to work there.

But while you are working there you should always bring your best. That is how a person gets through life being successful and remaining human.

Comment Re: Thats Fair (Score 1) 158

Netflix does pay for all their bandwidth. Netflix pays it internet bills. The customer pays theirs. When the customer want Netflix to send a movie over Verizon says ... Whoa! Even though we are getting paid by the customer to deliver you video and Netflix is paying their provider to send it, We want more money because .... Fairness!

Comment Re:The Conservative Option (Score 1) 487

Your point would be awesome if it were not for the fact that the officials are not telling us that restricting travel out of the affected regions would be bad.

They are stating that banning all travel to and from the region and watching the region burn would be bad, and it would be. Heavy restrictions of travel from the region while sending aid and beating the disease down at its origin is just common sense. You will learn. Unfortunately in order to "look good" many people in the US will have to die of Ebola.

On the plus side all of the ISIS warriors that did make it across the US border may be able to do more damage in the US than Ebola.

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