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Comment Re:Religion is the last straw (Score 4, Interesting) 289

The international perception of the US changed a lot in the past decade or two. When I was young, in the 80s, the US was the place to be. It was the dream land. Freedom, peace and the promise that hard work will make you a rich man.

Today the US are regarded not unlike the USSR was while it still existed, with suspicion and caution. Don't get them pissed off, you know what they can do, and what they have done... Plus, and that hurts me personally quite a bit since I do know a lot of people in the US and found a few very good friends there, the whole religious bit paints the people as somewhat dim witted, naive, if not gullible or even outright dumb. The general sentiment is that in the USSR, the people at least knew their government was bullshitting them, but in the US, they succeeded. The people actually believe that they're living in paradise while in reality they are trapped in a hellhole.

But nobody really would say that openly. Sure, we joke about the US behind its back and make fun of it (mostly the government, less so the people), but nobody would dare say it to their face. In general, the US are regarded as the international politics version of the dim witted schoolyard bully. Nobody would dare speak up against him since we all know he can beat us up good, and if we suck up to him we might even get some spoils when he rips off someone's lunch money, but when he ain't around we're much more happy and we make jokes about how dumb he really is.

It's sad, actually. Mostly because I do know a lot of very good, very intelligent people in the US. What's sadder is that most of them are desperately trying to find employment in Europe with the goal to leave the whole religious cesspool behind them...

Comment Re:Under the guise of loophole and law. (Score 1) 289

I pity the US, but don't worry, there are still secular states in existence where religion has no say in science.

As long as politicians get laughed out of the parliament when they as much as suggest that creationism should be considered something akin to science, my hope in our politicians isn't entirely lost.

Comment Single-pixel what? (Score 1) 81

Maybe it's because I've been drinking since 10am, but I just cannot wrap my head around how these single-pixel cameras work.

Any nice person out there feel like explaining it so a stupid person can understand?

Bonus points if you explain why a chicken breast was involved. Seriously, maybe I have brain damage because I've read the summary three times and it might as well be written in Middle Egyptian for all I'm getting.

Comment Re:Bathtubs are dangerous too (Score 1) 165

The problem is a completely different one. Namely that judges don't know jack shit about technology. Which means we'll get two things at once, on one hand judges that will buy into the hype and believe anything thrown at them concerning how Mr Evilhacker killed my beloved Granny (who just happened to leave everything to me, but that's not the point now), and on the other hand we'll get judges that simply cannot wrap their mind around just exactly this happening and letting actual people who used this vector for murder go because they just can't even imagine how this should work.

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