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Comment Re:Good to be back (Score 1) 88

It did not matter. Anyway that was a demonstration of force of the county that had before proved its power, good will and obligations of an ally. And it was effective.
What really matters is that the Soviet Russia did defeat the German war machine and its ruthless ideology in 1941-1945. And today's differences pale when compared with those deeds before.

Imo, Russia is the last hope of mankind :-) concerning freedom, privacy, knowledge, peace, children, love, sincerity, the truth and so on :-) I really want Russia to be Russia than like an ordinary state.

Anyway, how does it feel for the US to support the right wing crazy nationalists in Kiev proud of their founders that collaborated with the SS and used to kill the Poles, Jews, muscovites?
How does it feel to support the guys in Kiev who now rule there without the people's mandate, for nobody elected them to power? They just grabbed it.
It's beyond me.

Comment Re:Good to be back (Score 1) 88

Russia was and still is by far the truest and the strongest ally of the US.
From the very beginning of the US as an independent country till now.
It is Russia that helped the young American country determine its own future when the Civil War broke out between the southern and northern states. Russian ships came to protect the American shores to prevent England and France from the interference with the Civil War.

Also but for Russia you'd have been enslaved by the German Nazis or still at war with them at best.
Russia is your best friend stupid )
What makes you think that Russia is your enemy anyway?

Comment Re:Well done, Vladimir! (Score 1) 88

Russia did not invade it. Russia has been there for centuries and for the recent decades the Russian fleet has been there in accordance with the intentional treaty between Ukraine and Russian. It would further have been that way if the Ukrainian nationalists had not proposed to ban the Russian language and the Russian people that is a majority in some of the lands. And many people did not what to be associated with the heirs to the Hitler's former Nazist ally which now took power in Kiev. So the Crimea revolted and sought independence. Being always Russian they naturally wanted to 'go home' and reunite with Russia.

Comment Re:What about the UK? (Score 1) 236

I am not so selfish and would not want to know what he was doing in his own bed by playing that game and risking his life with the brutalities that can happen to him like those that had happened to Manning.

>What makes you so sure

Like I said before, it's getting too customary. Lack of imaginations or freaky state mind they had in LEAs.

Comment Re:What about the UK? (Score 1) 236

>How sure are you that these women were spies?

Dead sure, ask yourself what a CIA agent would be doing in Assange's bed. :-)
Last I checked, they said it was confirmed it was a good consensual sex. You care he was condomless. I don't. And no one should.

I don't believe a single word they say. I don't trust them. I don't think they would stick with legal procedures. They'll just hide him in a cell for years or kill him.

Comment Re:What about the UK? (Score 1) 236

>sexual misconduct?

You can swear it happened, it was not staged? Are you sure?:-) Do you really want to know it for sure knowing full well that it will lead to the extradition to the US and death or life imprisonment? It is fair?
Isn't it too much for a sex without a condom?

Fuck the laws and fuck those who believe a word of biased prosecutors and paid spies not knowing from where the wind is blowing. :-) Fuck the laws that's a threat to good people. Fuck condoms too. Fuck long terms of imprisonment, for they make good ppl choose freedom some other way like Aaron Swartz did. Fuck them all. :-)

Comment Re:What about the UK? (Score 1) 236

>I'd call her a spy.

a paid spy :-)

>She's guilty

Jesus Christ was also guilty :-) But he was a good guy.

Open up your blue eyes and see: much of what the US has done stinks. And probably it's completely legal :-)

I'm personally more concerned about the world getting the US habits of spying, intruding on privacy, infringing of the flow of information, breaking international laws and so on. And I really don't care who's guilty by the rules of a monster.

Comment Re:What about the UK? (Score 1) 236

How would you call a woman who sleeps with you because it's her secretive assignment? :-) Who uses a condom argument to get you punished with a perspective of the capital punishment or eternal imprisonment which is the same after they they've done with you in Sweden and extradite you to the US? Remember how Manning was victimized in prison? He's no saint but he's helped the US troops withdraw sooner from the bloody war in Iraq thus saving your money (war is expensive) and the lives of your compatriots (no money can pay ). I don't see a hint of gratitude. And your concern about the condom is low by comparison. Pull yourself together.

Comment Re:What about the UK? (Score 1) 236

Of course they worked with him that way and would use any pretext to compromise and prosecute him. And they found it appropriate to use that condom as a ground for accusations. Btw, sex is nobody's business but the two. If you care about it happened or not, if you admit that some elders or the authority or any one else can interfere, you deserve neither freedom nor privacy. Get used to it when they check and look at your genitals whenever they want and locked up for the rest of your life. You're nothing but a slave. Btw, I despise Clinton for having to answer publicly about Monica. He should have said that that was nobody's business and fucked them off because it's a free country. But no, definitely it is not. Stay free.

Comment Re:What about the UK? (Score 1) 236

I think you believe in unicorns too. I am just getting used to those creepy accusations. Get just a little anti-US or against the system run by the war mongers and the public money grabbers and you'll end up as a sex offender or a known gay. Remember Stross-Kan, Berluskoni, Assange, Manning, Polansky and others. It's getting typical and boring. Btw, the whole anti-catholic staged campaign happened because the Pope then said something against the invasion of Iraq and didn't help the US to disclose European bank secrets. :-) You underestimate the scale of the influence of the US surveilence machine. Btw, we are being read. :-)

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