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Comment Re:Kickstarter (Score 1) 227

Can you elaborate on why this is fucked up and why valve's sounds better? Genuinely curious.

A history of actually shipping the stuff they talk about... And lots of shipping Linux games.

HL3 is any day now...

Seriously? I have a DK2 sitting on my desk right now. I was plaing Elite Dangerous with it a couple of hours ago.

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 1) 405

No I'm pretty comfortable saying the Baby Boomers are uniquely the worst and Gen X is just the children who never had a chance to learn better.

Once they die and Gen X has it's tantrum over all the aged-care benefits they're not going to get because of the screwed up workforce dynamics the Baby Boomers led to, all of sudden all the usual castigators of the young will switch their tune to be all about socialism and welfare.

Comment Re:Technology, same effort, more productivity (Score 1) 405

The latest generation works harder, for longer hours, ...

Not according to what my grandparents have told me.

Your grandparents lived in a time when you got a job, held it for the rest of your life if you wanted to, and from that earned an income to support a stay-at-home spouse and multiple children.

Comment Re:sampling bias (Score 1) 405

Old people are different than young people. Naturally, each group believes that the differences in question make them superior to the other group.

True in many ways....HOWEVER,

Everything else you wrote from this point on is exactly the same thing that was, has and will be said for thousands of years prior and henceforth.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 1) 232

Actually the thing journalctl does really well is the ability to log onto a machine and run journalctl -f and get every log the machine is running on the local console immediately. It's a boon when you're doing remote logging because you don't get stuck with issues like buffering causing your logs to come in big unwieldy bursts.

Comment Re:wikipedia is self-correcting (Score 1) 186

But it uses all of them, which makes it easier to spot errors, discrepancies, and agendas, which can then be the focus of additional investigation.

Poor soul thinks that Wikipedia editors actually "investigate" content with the intent of spotting errors, discrepancies, and agendas. News flash: most Wikipedia editors "challenge" content with the intent of inserting their own agendas. Period.

As opposed to people who complain about wikipedia can can't possibly have agendas?

Color me skeptical when various political factions are consistently complaining that "the media" is against them.

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