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Comment Re:Folks need to see 'The Day After' (Score 1) 342

People should walk at least once in their lifetime the radius of destruction in Hiroshima up to the Atomic dome to get a real sense of the level of destruction that a small nuclear bomb can do. I sort of did it last summer, from Hiroshima Castle and halfway the path to the Atomic dome I was crying, the carnage that could come in a modern city even with that old small weapon is mindblowing, what kind of barely sane person would do that now?

Comment The key to the benefits is not religion (Score 1) 529

Is the social interaction enabled by religion:

So where does that leave non-believers?

“Out of luck, I guess,” Koenig joked.
“Actually, I would suspect that people doing the types of things like religious people do -- socializing, doing similarly complex cognitive tasks, would have similar benefits. But it is interesting that religion provides that whole package of things that people can adopt and pursue over time.”

It would be really interesting to make an additional study to compare that against a group of people that are not religious but that have a simmilar level of social interaction.

Comment Re:4K makes sense for monitors (Score 1) 271

I was in Kyoto last year in the Gion Matsuri event that is used by Sony to showcase their 4K tv sets so I can compare the real life event versus the recordings. The accuracy of colors and the resolution are really impressive, and nothing like I or pretty much anybody else have seen before. I think that for the first time the resolution and color space of a recording can give a real sensation of "being there" instead of only seing a moving picture, even without any 3D efects.

Comment The problem are the politicians (Score 1) 634

Is absurd to expect any other result when people elects politicians that think that the State is a problem, an obstacle to society -instead of a tool to provide and protect the general welfare- that should be destroyed and then find that under their government the State's institutions start to fail. Is no wonder than after a long spell under conservative governments, Tory and New Labor, the welfare institutions are in shambles but well, the Great UK have it's army in action around half dozen countries around the world and boomers ready to strike the Soviet Union, and a great funeral for the Iron Lady, that's a better investment of taxpayer's money than wasting it in health care.

Comment Re:I'm Sorry, China (Score 1) 634

As things currently stand, I think they have a better chance to take over Mexico than us take over them :(. Over our current ruling class, even a drunk monkey as a President or King would be an improvement. In fact, I have read essays by people claiming that in reality a stupid dumbass like Santa Anna was a military genious, just to point out our really low standards for statesmen and generals.

Best regards.

Comment Re:Summary says it all (Score 1) 634

Mexico, that is what happens with Neoliberalism without counterweights.

When I was born Mexico was a richer country than South Korea. In 32 years of decadence, now I have found myself unable to park my car at home because a family in the neighborhood was murdered; taking detours because mobsters dropped human heads in the street; or being thankful because instead of the murder of the week we see in my community only the murder of the month. Beggars and homeless people everywhere, half the country living in worst conditions than the Cubans under the Castro brothers. Neoliberals call themselves Cristian democrats, but I would rather wish to be governed by Satanists than these scumbags.

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